Model Airplane News

Parallel Charging



As electric power fliers, we always have to charge our batteries before we fly; that’s one of the hard-and-fast rules of this part of the RC hobby. For many years, I charged batteries one at a time, and it could take quite a while to prepare for a full day’s flying. As long as I was flying for fun, this was tolerable, taking maybe an afternoon and evening before a planned day at the field. But when I started flying a big octocopter drone for aerial-photograph­y work, I started to realize that something had to change. That drone flew on four 6S 8Ah batteries, and I needed at least three sets for the type of work I’d do in a single day. Charging one 6S battery at a time meant something like 12 hours of charging with a single charger, so I bought more chargers. That helped, but it wasn’t the best solution.

In August 2012, I went to the IRCHA (Internatio­nal Radio Control Helicopter Associatio­n) Jamboree at the AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautic­s) flying site in Muncie, Indiana. While I was walking around the vendors’ row one day, I stumbled into the Progressiv­eRC tent and had my eyes opened. What I found there can surely be found in other places, but it was my first exposure to easy and safe parallel charging. Among other things, Progressiv­eRC sells combinatio­ns of chargers and power supplies built into nice cases for easy transport. It also has a wide assortment of parallel-charging boards, built with just about any connector available on the RC battery market.

I spoke with David Gray, owner of Progressiv­eRC, and we discussed the types of

batteries I had and what I wanted in a charging setup. The system he recommende­d that day had a 24V, 1000W power supply and a single iCharger 306B charger capable of 1000W output, both built into a black plastic case. I bought that system but, within a year or so, had upgraded it by adding another iCharger 306B and changing to a 24V, 1500W power supply, a combo that Progressiv­eRC sells today as the “Hardline Pro Solution.”

The iCharger 306B will charge up to 6S batteries at 30A. By parallel charging on the two chargers, I could charge those big 8Ah drone batteries eight at a time, at almost a 1C rate, resulting in a considerab­le time savings.

It also means that I don’t have to charge batteries in advance of a sport-flying day. My RC field has AC power, so I can load up, drive to the field, and start charging when I get there. By the time I’ve assembled the planes I want to fly and talked with friends a bit, I’ve got plenty of batteries freshly charged and ready to go.

If you’re interested in parallel charging and haven’t yet investigat­ed the details, here are some notes that may help.


You need a charger that’s capable of putting out the power necessary for parallel charging. To figure out if a charger will work for you, start your calculatio­ns with the biggest batteries you need to charge. That way, the smaller ones you use will be covered as well. Since I’m not flying the monster drone any more, my biggest batteries these days are 6S 5Ah. To charge one pack at my normal 1C rate requires about 125W, 25V at 5A. With a charger capable of 30A output, it’s possible to charge up to six of these batteries in parallel as long as the charger can handle at least 750W output. The total power needed is the sum of the power needed to charge the individual batteries—in this case, 6 x 125W (or 750W).

To develop this much power may require a 24V power supply, so keep that in mind.


Balance charging in parallel requires a special board that has the same battery plugs and balance-tap connectors as the batteries you use. They’re available from many RC vendors, with almost all the common plug types already soldered to the printed circuit board (PCB) in parallel, ready to use. I’ve bought them in the past from Progressiv­eRC (progressiv­ and Buddy RC ( The boards I use are a universal type and come from the shop with wire leads soldered to the board in place of connectors. Since I use the ancient but excellent Anderson Powerpole connector, I modify the universal boards by soldering Powerpoles in place of the wires. Newer versions of the parallel boards come with fuse protection in the power and balance-tap traces in the PCB. Because I’ve shorted out several parallel boards by inserting a balance plug at the wrong angle, I welcome this improvemen­t.


Properly equipped, it’s time to start charging in bulk. To safely charge in parallel, there is one rule to abide by: The batteries to be charged should be the same cell count, in a similar state of charge, with no more than about a 0.25-volt difference. As soon as they’re plugged into the parallel board, the voltages in the batteries and their cells will equalize—that’s what “being in parallel” really means. As the voltage equalizes, current will flow from the higher-voltage battery to the lower one. High current from a large voltage difference could damage the traces on the parallel board or the batteries, so make sure the batteries are fairly close in voltage. They don’t have to be the same capacity; voltage is the key. This is another time when the practice of dischargin­g or flying batteries down to storage voltage pays off. Doing that means all your batteries are at a similar enough voltage for parallel charging at any time.


With the balance board connected to the charger and the charger powered on, it’s time to start connecting the batteries. Always connect the battery’s power leads to the parallel board first and then connect the balance plug. Do this for each of the batteries to be charged, being careful to get all the plugs secure. Calculatin­g the charge current is as simple as adding up the capacities of the batteries to be charged. Four 5Ah packs will require a setting of 20A, 5A for each battery. Charging batteries with different capacities still works the same way. Two 3S 5Ah and two 3S 3.2Ah batteries would require a charger setting of 16.4A for a 1C charge.

After setting the proper charge current, monitor the charging process the same as you would when charging single batteries. Never leave LiPos unattended while charging. When the charge cycle completes, detach the batteries in the reverse of the way you connected them: balance plug first, mainpower leads last.


That’s all there is to it. With proper care, parallel charging is a perfectly safe way to get several batteries charged as quickly as possible. Remember:

Charger total power output has to be enough for the job.

Only parallel-charge batteries of the same cell count.

Make sure voltages are similar—within 0.25V is a good rule to follow.

Charge current is the sum of the batteries’ capacities.

Finally, always monitor the process. Keeping a close watch on any LiPo batteries that are charging, parallel or single, is an important safety requiremen­t.

 ??  ?? If you’re flying a big model, like Jim Soucek’s wonderful Albatros D.Va, parallel charging is the way to go. Here, the Albatros is flown beautifull­y by Ronnie Lambert at eWeek 2017. From the Proctor Enterprise­s kit, the Albatros weighs 29 pounds and flies on a RimFire 65 motor powered by 12 cells.
If you’re flying a big model, like Jim Soucek’s wonderful Albatros D.Va, parallel charging is the way to go. Here, the Albatros is flown beautifull­y by Ronnie Lambert at eWeek 2017. From the Proctor Enterprise­s kit, the Albatros weighs 29 pounds and flies on a RimFire 65 motor powered by 12 cells.
 ?? (Photo by Greg Gimlick) ?? Greg Gimlick’s big BumpCharge­r station contains a 24V power supply and two Cellpro PowerLab 8 chargers for plenty of parallel-charging power. Notice that none of the batteries on the two parallel boards has the same capacity, but all have the same cell count.
(Photo by Greg Gimlick) Greg Gimlick’s big BumpCharge­r station contains a 24V power supply and two Cellpro PowerLab 8 chargers for plenty of parallel-charging power. Notice that none of the batteries on the two parallel boards has the same capacity, but all have the same cell count.
 ??  ?? The parallel board on the left is an older version with no fuse protection and six sets of plugs; on the right is the improved version, with fuses protecting each circuit. Space taken by the fuses reduces the number of charge ports to four, but the protection is worth the reduction in capacity.
The parallel board on the left is an older version with no fuse protection and six sets of plugs; on the right is the improved version, with fuses protecting each circuit. Space taken by the fuses reduces the number of charge ports to four, but the protection is worth the reduction in capacity.
 ??  ?? Progressiv­eRC’s new fuse-protected universal parallel-charge boards. The one on the right is ready for plugs to be applied to the wire, while the one on the left has been modified for Powerpoles by the author.
Progressiv­eRC’s new fuse-protected universal parallel-charge boards. The one on the right is ready for plugs to be applied to the wire, while the one on the left has been modified for Powerpoles by the author.
 ??  ?? Progressiv­eRC’s Hardline Pro Solution is built into a small, sturdy case. AC power with 1500-watt output makes for an effective charging kit.
Progressiv­eRC’s Hardline Pro Solution is built into a small, sturdy case. AC power with 1500-watt output makes for an effective charging kit.
 ??  ?? Parallel charging works well, too, for the little single cell batteries used in ultra-micro planes and drones.
Parallel charging works well, too, for the little single cell batteries used in ultra-micro planes and drones.

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