Model Railroader

Removable pole signal (cont’d)


The removable pole signal, uncommon in comparison to the other two signals, may be the most practical for model railroad use. It consists of a signal attached to a staff that mounts in a base atop or between the ties. When not needed, the signal is removed and stored, generally on the ground or in a length of pipe attached to the unloading apparatus it’s associated with.

This style of signal is available from Details West as item no. 451. However, I’ve found the soft-metal part doesn’t hold up well in regular layout use.

A sturdier version can be made using styrene and wire.

Start by cutting a scale 52" length of .019" through .028" round brass wire. This will form the scale 40" staff, and allow for a scale 12" to be inserted into the base.

There are a couple of options for the base. If you want the signal to go between the ties, cut a scale 12" length of styrene tube ❶, opposite. If the sign will be mounted on top of a crosstie, use the Details West base or make a base plate from styrene channel. If you use the latter, make sure to drill a hole for the staff ❷.

Use metal or styrene for the sign plate and mount it to the staff. Paint the sign and staff blue and the base plate a weathered safety yellow. The sign can be lettered using scale 4" Stop lettering and scale 2" supplement­al lettering, such as tank Car ConneCted ❸.

A scale 30" to 36" length of hollow tube makes a great sign holder. I painted mine silver and attached it to a nearby guardrail ❹.

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