Modern Healthcare



“With a Supreme Court decision on federal health reform expected any day, you might expect us to cheer news that several of the largest healthcare providers will keep popular provisions of the Affordable Care Act, or ‘Obamacare,’ in place. And while we’re pleased to see the insurers finally come around on some issues, the fact remains that none is willing or able to address the costliest of the health reforms. … The insurance industry had years to address many of these issues, but it didn’t. The looming Supreme Court decision and last week’s industry maneuverin­g only confirm our view that any reforms must keep public health—not profit—top of mind.

—Denver Post

“The insurance industry had years to address many of these issues, but it didn’t.”

“At least insurers understand what is at stake and that consumers want the reforms (although not if they are called Obamacare). The decision by UnitedHeal­th and its competitor­s to do what they can to preserve some benefits to consumers is welcome. Certainly, there’s nothing partisan in the choice. But the decision is also a reminder of the limitation­s of what any one company (or several) can do without leadership from the federal government. We hope that the Supreme Court justices—nine men and women with access to generous government-financed health insurance— take that into considerat­ion when they make their ruling.”

—Baltimore Sun

“Mitt Romney’s argument for repealing the Affordable Care Act—in light of his own law to reform healthcare in Massachuse­tts—has the twists and turns of a thrill ride at Darien Lake. To Romney, President (Barack) Obama’s signature healthcare reform legislatio­n is flawed because it mandates that all Americans carry health insurance and because the federal government forced it upon the states. In making his arguments, the presumptiv­e Republican presidenti­al nominee wants Americans to forget his own record. But there are so many similariti­es between the Romney and Obama reforms that Romney appears to have developed selective amnesia as he panders to the conservati­ve right.” —Buffalo (N.Y.) News

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