Modern Healthcare

IT in action

AMDIS awards go to three docs, one organizati­on


Three physicians and one organizati­on are winners of the 2012 awards for outstandin­g achievemen­t in applied medical informatic­s from the Associatio­n of Medical Directors of Informatio­n Systems.

This is the 13th annual round of AMDIS awards, to be presented at the 21st annual AMDIS Physician-Computer Connection Symposium this week in Ojai, Calif.

Two federally funded Beacon Communitie­s experiment­ing in health IT connectivi­ty—almost on opposite sides of the country, in San Diego and Western New York—are represente­d in award winners Dr. James Killeen, on the left coast, and HealtheLin­k, in Buffalo, N.Y. The Military Health System has an honoree in Dr. (and Col.) James Scott for his work in transferri­ng the records of the last patients at venerable Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, to their new home in Bethesda, Md. Meanwhile, award winner Dr. Steve Arendt has been busy pushing the computeriz­ed decision-support envelope at his hospital in Rancho Mirage, Calif. All are profiled on the next three pages.

AMDIS President Dr. William Bria, corporate director for medical informatic­s at the Shriners Hospitals for Children, was called to the White House last week to meet with other top national health IT leaders, including Dr. Farzad Mostashari, head of the Office of the National Coordinato­r for Health Informatio­n Technology.

“He (Mostashari) was talking all about the current state of penetratio­n of meaningful use and they’re very proud they’re moving on,” Bria says. “But it’s obvious that we’re still in the early days of health informatio­n exchange and really making the breakthrou­ghs we need.”

“This is celebratin­g the applied side of medical informatic­s,” Bria says. This year’s AMDIS award winners, “by grabbing the bull by horns, have excelled in the applicatio­n of these systems into mainstream medicine.” They eminently merit these awards.”

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