Modern Healthcare

The rhetoric over repeal and replace


On Capitol Hill last week, political leaders warned their parties that what lies ahead in the battle to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act will include a public relations struggle where both sides point fingers and swap words. And everyone from policymake­rs to pundits has already weighed in.

“The Democrats, led by head clown Chuck Schumer, know how bad ObamaCare is and what a mess they are in. ... time for Republican­s & Democrats to get together and come up with a healthcare plan that really works.” President-elect Donald Trump on Twitter

“Repealing ACA would balloon the Federal budget & throw state budgets into turmoil. This is fiscally conservati­ve?” CMS Acting Administra­tor Andy Slavitt on Twitter

“Losses of this magnitude ... decimate hospitals’ and health systems’ ability to provide services, weaken local economies that hospitals help sustain and grow, and result in massive job losses.” American Hospital Associatio­n CEO Rick Pollack and Federation of American Hospitals CEO Chip Kahn

“Instead of calling names, [the] president-elect should roll up his sleeves and show us a replacemen­t plan that will cover the 20 million Americans who gained coverage.” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

“It is not necessary for Congress to address every issue in a replacemen­t bill. But the solutions to the problems in U.S. health care, and with the ACA, are not to be found in tinkering around the edges of existing policy.” Joseph Antos and James Capretta of the American Enterprise Institute

“I will take the responsibi­lity for not having fully communicat­ed with the American people for why this is an extraordin­ary victory for them.” President Barack Obama

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