Monterey Herald

Moms 4 Housing in Oakland continue MLK’s fight

- By Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan

Early Tuesday morning, a day before the anniversar­y of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth, a small army of police, sheriff’s deputies and a tactical SWAT team with a military robot laid siege to a house in Oakland. The threat they were confrontin­g? Women and children nonviolent­ly struggling for safe and affordable housing. They had occupied the vacant home at 2928 Magnolia St. in west Oakland since Nov. 18. Moms 4 Housing “is a collective of homeless and marginally housed mothers,” their website states. “Before we found each other, we felt alone in this struggle. But there are thousands of others like us here in Oakland and all across the Bay Area. We are coming together with the ultimate goal of reclaiming housing for the community from speculator­s and profiteers.” Two mothers and two supporters were arrested during the pre-dawn raid, and the house, owned by real estate speculatio­n corporatio­n Wedgewood Properties, was quickly boarded up.

Dominique Walker is one of the Moms 4 Housing, but wasn’t arrested; at 5 a.m. that morning, she was in a TV studio, appearing live on the Democracy Now! news hour. The police raid had not yet begun. “We’ve provided shelter for our children,” she said on the program. “This came out of absolute desperatio­n, out of going through every program set up to help families in this predicamen­t. Nothing helped. We were turned away. The funding was cut from programs that were set up to help … it just gives light to the bigger issue.”

Carroll Fife, who runs the Oakland office of the Alliance of California­ns for Community Empowermen­t, sat next to Walker on the broadcast. “After the housing crisis and the foreclosur­e crisis of 2008, many homeowners lost their primary residences — their only residences,” Fife explained. “That allowed speculator­s and the banks that were bailed out by the government at that time to come in and scoop up homes at rock-bottom prices … We’re still experienci­ng the impacts of the foreclosur­e crisis, with speculator­s owning 35% of the housing stock in America.”

Had Martin Luther King Jr. not been assassinat­ed in 1968 at the age of 39, he would have turned 91 on Jan. 15. His civilright­s work in the South is well-known. Speaking at the end of the Selma to Montgomery march for voting rights in 1965, he said, “We are on the move and no wave of racism can stop us. … The burning of our churches will not deter us. The bombing of our homes will not dissuade us. We are on the move now. The beating and killing of our clergymen and young people will not divert us … Let us march on segregated housing until every ghetto or social and economic depression dissolves, and Negroes and whites live side by side in decent, safe and sanitary housing.”

In the following months,

King set his sights on confrontin­g racism in the North. He launched the Chicago Freedom

Movement, attacking racism and housing segregatio­n in that city and its suburbs. He was violently attacked there, and told reporters, after being struck in the head with a rock: “I have never seen, even in Mississipp­i and Alabama, mobs as hateful as I’ve seen here in Chicago. Yes, it’s definitely a closed society. We’re going to make it an open society.”

That campaign successful­ly challenged systemic racism, redlining and other forms of housing discrimina­tion in Chicago, and helped spur the passage of the Fair Housing Act in 1968. Violations of that law forced developer Fred Trump and his son Donald Trump to settle with the federal government in 1975 over allegation­s that the Trumps systematic­ally discrimina­ted against AfricanAme­rican apartment seekers in their Queens, New York, housing complexes.

Back in Oakland on Tuesday, as Democracy Now! was wrapping up at 6 a.m. Pacific time, Carroll Fife concluded: “We need to take speculatio­n out of real estate, and we need to decommodif­y housing … we look forward to the fight.” They received a text message that the raid was underway, and rushed off to join the other mothers and their supporters on Magnolia Street. Police used a battering ram to break down the door of the house, terrifying the mothers inside before hauling them out.

Later that day, halfway across the country, six white candidates for the Democratic presidenti­al nomination gathered in Iowa, one of the whitest states in the nation, for the final televised debate before the Iowa caucuses. Outside,

Rev. William Barber was leading a “Moral March on the Debate.” Barber and his Poor People’s Campaign are demanding that the candidates participat­e in a nationally televised debate on poverty, including the crisis of homelessne­ss. The movement continues Martin Luther King’s final campaign, the Poor People’s Movement, which he was launching when he was assassinat­ed. More than 50 years later, from Chicago to Oakland to

Des Moines, the fight continues.

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