Monterey Herald

An uber-complex primary

- By Dan Walters CALmatters

A new poll of California voters finds a virtual tie among Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden just a couple of weeks before mail voting begins for the March 3 Democratic presidenti­al primary.

Sanders crept ahead of longtime leader Biden among Democratic voters in the Public Policy Institute of California poll, jumping 10 percentage points over the last two months to


Biden’s and Warren’s shares were unchanged at 24% and 23% respective­ly, meaning Sanders gained supporters from second- and third-tier candidates who either dropped out, such as California Sen. Kamala Harris, or have faded.

Were election results to match the PPIC polling, Sanders would claim a victory of sorts, but it’s not quite that simple.

Under the Democratic Party’s uber-complex rules, coming in first in the primary doesn’t necessaril­y generate a trove of delegate votes.

As Paul Mitchell, California’s premier political numbercrun­cher, points out in a Capitol Weekly article, “California’s Democratic primary isn’t won at the ‘national poll’ level, or even at the ‘statewide poll’ level. It’s won through a complicate­d, proportion­al delegate-allocation procedure that affects campaign strategy and could muddy the final election results.”

California will send 495 delegates to the Democratic National Convention, Mitchell continues. “Of those, 416 will be pledged delegates (meaning that they are committed to a candidate), while 79 will be the unpledged ‘superdeleg­ates. … ‘

“The bulk of those pledged delegates will be allocated at the congressio­nal level, with four to seven delegates awarded in each of California’s 53 congressio­nal districts, for a total of 272. In addition, there are an additional 144 delegates awarded based on the statewide results.”

Well, that doesn’t sound too complicate­d, but Mitchell adds, “there’s a catch,”and explains it thusly:

“To win any delegates within a congressio­nal district requires the candidate to obtain the support of a minimum of 15% of that district’s voters. And the state result is subject to the same rule: If only one candidate gets 15% statewide, that person could win all 144 statewide delegates, but if five candidates reach 15% they would divide the delegates among themselves.

“Given the method of calculatin­g delegates at the congressio­nal district level, the ‘winner’ might only get 20,000 votes more than the closest competitor but receive just one more delegate. Or, if the winning contender was the only one to reach 15%, he or she could win by a mere 1% margin yet capture 100% of the delegates.”

Got that? And to make it even trickier, counting the votes and applying the formula district by district could take weeks and by the time California’s final result is known, the race might have already been decided elsewhere.

The likelihood of a close finish among the three frontrunne­rs, the complexity of the delegate allocation system and the inevitable delay in counting votes could essentiall­y make our primary a non-factor in choosing the Democratic candidate to challenge President Donald Trump, undercutti­ng the contention that advancing the election from June to March would make California more relevant.

The system that Mitchell describes in excruciati­ng detail poses another question: If California’s Democratic politician­s are enamored of a proportion­al primary election, rather than winner-take-all, why do they insist that November’s electoral votes all go to the winner of the popular vote, rather than being allocated by congressio­nal district, as a couple of other states do?

Just asking.

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