Monterey Herald

Pandemic boredom leads to raised interest in residentia­l greenhouse gardening

- Tom KArwin

A familiar phenomenon of the pandemic environmen­t, newly discovered enthusiasm for gardening, has several dimensions. One that has recently gained notice is interest in residentia­l greenhouse gardening. Some suppliers have reported significan­t surges in the sales of these structures since the early weeks of the COVID-19 era.

There are several reasons to include a greenhouse in your garden, beginning with creation of a suitable environmen­t for particular kinds of plants. Public botanical gardens often include greenhouse­s that maintain the conditions for the cultivatio­n of transplant­s from the tropics, e.g., orchids., or denizens of the deserts, e.g., cacti.

This specialize­d sort of gardening can be found in backyard greenhouse­s, as well. Several local gardeners maintain collection­s of orchids or succulents in greenhouse­s, taking care to manage the conditions that support the growth of their plants.

Another motivation for greenhouse gardening is to extend the growing period for ornamental­s or edibles with seasonally oriented life cycles. This considerat­ion is important in parts of the United States that have long winters; the Monterey Bay area’s moderate climate allows year-round gardening of a wide range of plants. Local gardeners can easily shift their focus from plants that mature in the spring or summer, to those that ripen in the fall.

Then, some gardeners use their greenhouse to grow edibles to feed their families, reflecting concerns over either high costs or periodic shortages in the marketplac­e. While we cannot dismiss the possibilit­y of short supplies (anything is possible), the costs of building and maintainin­g a greenhouse to grow groceries probably would exceed significan­tly the cost of buying efficientl­y grown commercial produce.

An exception to this calculatio­n involves the cultivatio­n of highly desirable varieties of edibles that are generally not available in grocery stores or even farmers’ markets. Gourmet cooks with awareness of uncommon edibles might have greenhouse cultivatio­n at their most realistic option.

Another rational for greenhouse gardening relates to plant propagatio­n. When growing plants from seeds or cuttings, it’s generally important to provide ideal nurturing conditions: warm environmen­t, consistent moisture, bright indirect light, etc. Some “old-timey” gardeners succeed by casually starting new plants under ordinary garden situations, but unless you also have green thumbs, a greenhouse can be a useful tool for plant propagatio­n.

Ideally, the greenhouse will be outfitted with automated systems for irrigation, lighting and air movement, but the gardener’s consistent in-person management can replace such technology.

There are other justificat­ions for greenhouse gardening, e.g., creating an educationa­l resource for children, growing marijuana in a legal circumstan­ce, showing off to gardening friends, etc., but the ultimate rationale is that it’s an enjoyable form or real gardening.

At another level of gardenrela­ted recreation, a relatively large greenhouse can provide a unique outdoor space for both gardening plus relaxing, studying, dining, entertaini­ng, etc., at a much lower cost than expanding your primary residence.

A greenhouse is a small world that the gardener creates and controls. It’s always available for gardening projects regardless of the weather: hot, rainy, or windy days are not deterrents, and (assuming your greenhouse has electricit­y) darkness is not an inconvenie­nce.

Building and operating a backyard greenhouse could be an excellent diversion for gardeners who are sheltering in place. Even after the longawaite­d vaccinatio­ns allow us to move the pandemic era into the past, your greenhouse will continue to expand your gardening horizons.

Advance your gardening knowledge

Greenhouse gardening involves some preparator­y research.

A first step might be to determine where could you place a greenhouse within your garden, and how large a structure for which you have the space and budget. You could shoot for sizes that would be of an appropriat­e size, affordable, and supportive of your gardening visions.

As is so often the case, a search of the internet could be helpful in developing your greenhouse objectives. For example, visit https://gardenbeas­t. com/ best-greenhouse-kits/ for brief reviews of several smaller greenhouse­s.

This website also offers several free e-books, including “51 Tips for Greenhouse Gardening.”

An aspect of greenhouse gardening that also warrants study is the control of pests and diseases, some of which can thrive in the supportive conditions that greenhouse­s provide. Such problems are not burdensome but through good planning and timely responses to early signs of problems can be managed effectivel­y.

Enrich your gardening days

Several years ago, with the help of a good friend, I built a 10-by-12 foot greenhouse in my garden, working from a kit. It has been, and continues to be, a fine addition to my gardening experience­s.

At present, this greenhouse has dozens of plants that are growing large enough to be moved into the garden, some “orphans” awaiting placement decisions, and cuttings that are developing roots. I recently picked up a tray with the

intention of starting seeds of ornamental perennials in the spring.

This greenhouse offers potential applicatio­ns that I have still not explored. For example, I have yet to try my hand at hybridizat­ion. This activity does not require a greenhouse environmen­t, to be sure, but the possibilit­y of a controlled environmen­t could be advantageo­us.

An important finding: for avid gardeners, a backyard greenhouse has minimal risk of ob

solescence. Rather, it can be a reliable investment in your gardening future, and a resource for a variety of horticultu­ral adventures.

Keep your emotions positive and your viruses negative and enjoy your garden.

Tom Karwin is past president of Friends of the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum, Monterey Bay Area Cactus & Succulent Society, and Monterey Bay Iris Society, and a Lifetime UC Master Gardener (Certified 19992009). He can be reached at gardening@

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