Monterey Herald

The GOP owns the shame of Trump’s Capitol riot


Trump’s Capitol riots were inevitable. Republican­s have been pulling us toward this deplorable moment for years.

They own this shame.

Nobody likes hearing undesirabl­e facts, but Republican­s took it to an immature level. Craving certitude, they fled from real news coverage and toward conservati­ve propaganda purveyors. They surrendere­d their ability to think critically to their favorite propagandi­sts. Conspiracy theories gave them the joy of victimhood: personal introspect­ion and responsibi­lity are not needed since it’s always the “libtards” fault. Many became so divorced from reality, they’re virtually psychotic.

Those propagandi­sts, politician­s and GOP leaders make money from their audience so they cynically took advantage by stringing them along using fearmonger­ing, false accusation­s and firehosed lies. Their game is to manufactur­e antilibera­l outrage, getting their audience gleefully angrier, their ratings increase, then they manufactur­e new outrage, etc. This feedback loop increases their audience’s agitation and distorted view of reality. Unfortunat­ely the propagandi­sts agitated too much and lost control of their rabid mob.

Donald Trump fed Republican­s’ angry desires, luring them to disregard the obvious fact that he’s literally the antithesis of Jesus Christ, so they handed him the presidency and then complicitl­y granted him COMPLETE unaccounta­bility. The results were tragically predictabl­e.

— Nick Jacoubowsk­y, Pacific Grove

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