Monterey Herald

Wisdom from readers starts the year off right

- Amy DiCEinMon

DEAR READERS >> To mark and celebrate the start of a new year, I’m including some recent reader responses that I have found particular­ly touching, wise, and useful. I learn so much from my readers!

I sincerely hope that the year 2021 is one of peace, health, and goodwill to all. We could all use a break. DEAR AMY >> Your literacy campaign to put “A Book on Every Bed” really touched my heart.

I am a retired teacher of 38 years and the greatest accomplish­ment of my teaching career was reading to my students every day.

The children would immediatel­y quiet down and sit in their seats because they didn’t want to miss a word. It was magical!

The best crowd control and discipline is a good book.

I taught special needs children, first, third, and fourth grade during my career, and a good book never failed.

I also read to my own three children almost every night through their elementary years. Now that they are in their thirties, they have often said that these were some of their favorite childhood memories.

Thank you so much for raising awareness about the power of books.

— A Life-long Reader DEAR READER >> This is beautiful! DEAR AMY >> Here’s a suggestion for children who feel their parents prefer one of their siblings over them.

I remember as a 13-yearold once telling my dad that I felt that he treated me differentl­y than my younger siblings.

This was his response: “You are absolutely right. I do treat you differentl­y and I realize that sometimes it may seem like I expect more from you than I do your sister or brother. That’s because you have different skills, talents and needs than they do. In some areas, you are stronger and more capable than your siblings, and in other areas your siblings are. And you may not notice when I try to help you through those. But I do not love you any less and you are just as important to me.”

Even more capable, successful and financiall­y comfortabl­e children need to hear that they are equally loved by their parents.

— Loving Daughter (and

Loved) Big Sister DEAR READER >> Dad was wise. DEAR AMY >> A reader complained about being left to clean up alone after Thanksgivi­ng.

My family handles it in a way that’s fun and fair.

Before dinner, each guest draws a folded piece of paper from a jar with a clean-up chore written on it. There are two identical papers for each job. (Clear table, rinse dishes, put away leftovers, etc.)

When dinner is finished you find the person who has the same job as yourself and complete it together.

It’s actually great fun because you are usually with someone you haven’t had a “working relationsh­ip” with. — We “Clean up” Well

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