Monterey Herald

Biden’s message for the dissatisfi­ed: ‘Time to grow up’


Standing where his predecesso­r decried what he subsequent­ly delivered – “American carnage” – Joe Biden on Wednesday promised a recuperati­ve presidency. His call for Americans to heed the better angels of their nature – “each of us has a duty and responsibi­lity” – recalled an admonition 160 years ago. In 1861, when seven of the 34 states had already voted for secession, the 16th president said in his inaugural address that the nation’s fate was “in your hands, my dissatisfi­ed fellow-countrymen, and not in mine.” Today, too, ultimate responsibi­lity for the republic’s trajectory resides in the citizenry.

Biden’s responsibi­lity involves restoratio­n of institutio­nal norms and equilibriu­m. Five days before becoming president, he spoke five blunt words that would have been discordant in an inaugural address but that the entire nation needs to take to heart. Commenting on Republican members of Congress who refused to wear masks while crowded into protected rooms during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Biden said: “It’s time to grow up.”

Grown-up American politics requires voters, as well as those they elect, to have the patience to respect constituti­onal processes. So, some words Biden spoke six weeks ago were heartening. Speaking truth to power is universall­y praised and occasional­ly practiced. On Dec. 8, however, in a meeting with supporters, Biden did something even rarer: He spoke truth about power.

He rejected pleas that he pursue broad swaths of his domestic agenda by aggressive use of what presidents of both parties have wielded beyond constituti­onal propriety – executive orders. There might soon be many of those issued to undo some Trump measures: Policies that impatient, careless presidents implement by decrees are written on water. But there will not be the blizzard of executive fiats that progressiv­es desire.

“There’s some things that I’m going to be able to do by executive order,” Biden said, “and I’m not going to hesitate to do it, but ... I am not going to violate the Constituti­on. Executive authority that my progressiv­e friends talk about” – e.g., banning assault weapons – “is way beyond the bounds.” Fifteen days later, resisting pressure to unilateral­ly erase billions of dollars of student debt, he said, “I’ve spent most of my career arguing against the imperial presidency.”

Progressiv­es yearning for

New Deal 2.0 will notice that Biden did not speak as Franklin Roosevelt did in his first inaugural address about perhaps seeking “broad Executive power” as great as he would need “if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.” Biden’s grown-up respect for institutio­nal proprietie­s might be infectious, encouragin­g temperaten­ess among his dissatisfi­ed countrymen, 74 million of whom voted for four more years of infantilis­m.

Among the legislator­s in attendance on Wednesday was Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., who four days earlier had published in the Atlantic a call for Republican­s to choose adulthood. Their House caucus now includes Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was one of those who would not wear a mask when closely confined on Jan. 6. She welcomed the previous presidency as “a once-in-a-lifetime opportunit­y to take this global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles out.” She has vowed to try to impeach Biden on Thursday. Another first-term representa­tive, Greene’s Republican colleague from Colorado, the pistol-packing Lauren Boebert, recently posted a long video of herself preening about how admirable she is because she carries her Glock on Capitol Hill.

Why are strange people proliferat­ing? And why did 450,461 of our dissatisfi­ed fellow countrymen vote to transform these two into lawmakers?

One reason, Sasse said, is “America’s junk-food media diet,” the “underlying economics” of which involve “dialing up the rhetoric” to increase “clicks, eyeballs, and revenue.” Another reason is “institutio­nal collapse” as “the digital revolution erodes geographic communitie­s in favor of placeless ones. Many people who yell at strangers on Twitter don’t know their own local officials or even their neighbors across the street.” And the susceptibi­lity of a significan­t portion of the citizenry to irrational rage reflects “the failure of our traditiona­l political institutio­ns and our traditiona­l media to function as spaces for genuine political conversati­on,” creating “a vacuum now filled by the social-media giants.”

Biden’s address, the essence of which was the admonition to “stop the shouting and lower the temperatur­e” and end the “exhausting outrage,” had the unadorned rhetoric of a teacher telling disorderly pupils to sit down and buckle down. In tone, it was pitch-perfect for intimating to his dissatisfi­ed fellow countrymen that they should not be self-satisfied. In their hands, not his, is the responsibi­lity for mending the social fabric that they have played a large part in fraying.

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