Monterey Herald

Pressure mounts to denounce voting bills

- By Bill Barrow

Liberal activists are stepping up calls for corporatio­ns to denounce GOP efforts to tighten state voting laws.

Liberal activists are stepping up calls for corporate America to denounce Republican efforts to tighten state voting laws, and businesses accustomed to cozy political relationsh­ips now find themselves in the middle of a growing partisan fight over voting rights.

Pressure is mounting on leading companies in Texas, Arizona and other states, particular­ly after Major League Baseball’s decision Friday to move the 2021 AllStar Game out of Atlanta. A joint statement from executives at nearly 200 companies, including HP, Microsoft, PayPal, Target, Twitter, Uber and Under Armour, took aim at state legislatio­n “threatenin­g to make voting more difficult” and said “elections are not improved” when lawmakers impose new barriers to voting.

The outcry comes a week after Georgia Republican­s enacted an overhaul of the state’s election law that critics argue is an attempt to suppress Democratic votes.

Other companies have, somewhat belatedly, joined the chorus of critics.

Delta Air Lines and The Coca-Cola Co., two of Georgia’s best-known brands, this past week called the new law “unacceptab­le,” although they had a hand in writing it. That only angered Republican­s, including Gov. Brian Kemp and several U.S. senators, who accused the companies of cowering from unwarrante­d attacks from the left.

The fight has thrust corporate America into a place it often tries to avoid — the center of a partisan political fight. But under threat of boycott and bad publicity, business leaders are showing a new willingnes­s to enter the fray on an issue not directly related to their bottom line, even if it means alienating Republican allies.

“We want to hold corporatio­ns accountabl­e for how they show up when voting rights are under attack,” said Marc Banks, an NAACP spokesman. “Corporatio­ns have a part to play, because when they do show up and speak, people listen.”

Kemp said at a news conference Saturday that baseball “caved to fear and lies from liberal activists” and moving the game means “cancel culture” is coming for American businesses. Kemp said state leaders worked in good faith with leaders in the business community on the legislatio­n, including some of the same companies that have now “flip-flopped on this issue.” He added: “We shouldn’t apologize for making it easy to vote and hard to cheat.”

Civil rights groups have sued to block the new Georgia law, which was passed after Democrats flipped the once-reliably Republican state in an election that Donald Trump falsely claimed was rife with fraud. Some activists have called for consumer boycotts of Delta, Coca-Cola and others. They dismiss business leaders’ assertions that they helped water down the bill to ease earlier, more restrictiv­e proposals; those leaders, they argue, should have tried to block the plan altogether.

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