Monterey Herald

Build Back Better


I addressed the issue of the spending and funding for the Build Back Better legislatio­n to our local congressma­n, Jimmy Panetta. One of his staffers called me to discuss. Incredibly he told me I should just read the summary because the “bill and legislativ­e process itself is too hard to understand” and that the bill would actually shrink the deficit. I told him that the Congressio­nal Budget Office disagrees with him — that the bill would actually increase the deficit. I also told him I had downloaded the bill’s language and found it nearly impossible for intelligen­t people to understand. I wanted to know how the numbers were derived. To which he essentiall­y responded that he and others had spent many hours/days working on them — so we should just trust them that the trillions of dollars were calculated correctly. In addition, I asked him why the federal government was sending California $26 billion when we have a budget surplus and the answer was it was done before the actual impacts were understood and the federal government would be stingier in the future. Hold our breath?

— Dennis Allion, Del Rey Oaks

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