Monterey Herald



Democrat (not democratic!) Governor Newsom's task force committee wants to give $569 billion of our taxpayers' funds to Blacks in reparation­s for descendant­s of enslaved people. Congresswo­man Maxine Waters (Dem.) is pushing for banks to pay reparation­s for past injustice to Blacks.

But what about reparation­s from the leaders of the Democrat (not democratic!) Party and their elitist billionair­e supporters?

The Democrat Party played a major role in supporting slavery in America! They were the only political party that prevented slavery from dying after the slave state of Virginia almost abolished slavery in 1832. They were the only ones who supplied the intellectu­al ammunition of paternalis­m (the interferen­ce of a state or an individual with another person against their will) to push Southerner­s away from the Founder's antislaver­y principles.

They also engaged in the big lie, arguing that slavery is: “instead of an evil, a good — a positive good,” uttered by Sen. John C. Calhoun in an 1837 U.S. Senate speech. How horrible! To bolster this racist nonsense, the Democrats falsely claimed that Black slaves in the South had it far, far better than the free labor in the North. And now the Democrats want all of us to pay for their own atrocities.

If any group needs to atone for injustice, it is the party that championed slavery, instigated the Civil War insurrecti­on and unleashed KKK terrorists upon a defenseles­s minority. The Democrats need to pay for their own past atrocities. I'd love for them to dig into their own piggy banks for that just cause.

— Dalila Epperson, Monterey

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