Morning Sun

25 years later, women’s equality remains distant


UNITED NATIONS» One by one, leaders and ministers from over 100 nations admitted that 25 years after the adoption of a road map to achieve equality for women not a single country has reached that goal — and many warned that instead of progress there is now push back. French President Emmanuel Macron put it bluntly, “women’s rights are under attack.”

Addressing a high-level meeting to commemorat­e the landmark 1995 U. N. women’s conference in Beijing on Thursday, Macron said it’s no secret that the 150-page blueprint to realize gender equality approved by 189 nations in the Chinese capital “would have no chance of being adopted” in 2020.

So “this is no time for commemorat­ion or self- congratula­tion,” he warned, because progress achieved by women “is being undermined, even in our democracie­s.”

The Beijing declaratio­n and platform called for bold action in 12 areas for women and girls, including combating poverty and gender-based violence, ensuring all girls get an education and putting women at top levels of business and government, as well as at peacemakin­g tables. It also said, for the first time in a U. N. document, that women’s human rights include the right to control and decide “on matters relating to their sexuality, including their sexual and reproducti­ve health, free of discrimina­tion, coercion and violence.”

Macron said in his prerecorde­d speech that progress is being undercut “starting with the freedom for women to control their own bodies, and in particular the right to abortion.” And he cited continuing inequaliti­es in schooling, pay, domestic work, and political representa­tion.

U. N. Secretary- General Antonio Guterres has attributed gender inequality to “centuries of discrimina­tion, deep-rooted patriarchy and misogyny.”

In today’s more divided, conservati­ve and still very male- dominated societies, he said, “we have seen around the world a pushback against gender equality and women’s rights.”

“Nowis the time to push back against the pushback,” he declared.

Fiji’s Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a called it “a sad testament to the human condition” that the world is still struggling to achieve the right of women and girls to live free from violence, go to school, participat­e fully in decision-making affecting their lives and earn equal pay for work of equal value.

“The second- class status of women is deeply engrained in many societies, and it takes time and effort to root it out,” he said.

The head of the U. N. agency charged with promoting gender equality said there has been progress, but not enough and too slow.

U. N. Women’s Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-ngcuka pointed to 131 countries that enacted legislatio­n to advance gender equality in the last 10 years, the prosecutio­n of gender-related crimes during conflicts, increased school enrollment of girls, and advances in maternal health.

 ?? LOEY FELIPE— UN PHOTO VIA AP ?? Pakistan’s Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, speaks in the U.N. General Assembly Thursday, in New York.
LOEY FELIPE— UN PHOTO VIA AP Pakistan’s Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, speaks in the U.N. General Assembly Thursday, in New York.

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