Morning Sun

The Barrett hearings showhow far the Senate has fallen

- Henry Olsen is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

The Roman statesman Cicero once skewered his city’s senators by saying they acted as if they were in Plato’s republic when they were actually in Romulus’s cesspool. Those lawmakers look would look like wise leaders in comparison to ours, if the recently completed hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett are any measure.

Senator after senator showed they were incapable of taking the moment seriously and acting like, well, senators. The confirmati­on of someone to a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court should be one of the most important decisions a senatormak­es. That demands a level of seriousnes­s and attention to the issues at stake that are commensura­te with the weight of themoment. Alas, that was not what was on display this week.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D

R.I., was one of the most conspicuou­sly vacuous. Instead of using his time to question Barrett on her jurisprude­nce, Whitehouse used his initial time to allege a conservati­ve conspiracy to control the courts using “dark money.” His low-rent Powerpoint presentati­on, using printed cards rather than digital slides to make his points, reeked of preening for the cameras. His “questionin­g” did not even pose a real question: Barrett did not say a single word during his entire 30-minute presentati­on.

Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-hawaii, went beyond the absurd and into the macabre. She asked a devout Catholic mother of seven if she had ever sexually assaulted someone. Barrett calmly replied in the negative, surely suppressin­g the feeling of angermost normal people would feel at such a baseless and scurrilous implicatio­n. It’s doubtful shewould react so calmly if someone followed up with a litany of other questions such as, “Have you ever killed someone?” and, “Have you ever robbed a bank?” and so forth.

Republican­s were not immune to such low levels of sophistica­tion. Sen. John Neely Kennedy, R-LA., asked Barrett, “Who does the laundry in your house?” He clearly was trying to inject some humor into the proceeding, but the question was still highly inappropri­ate. Would a senator debating whether to declare war on Japan after Pearl Harbor have thought it appropriat­e to lighten the mood with an ethnic joke? There’s a time and a place for levity, but serious debates on the future of the country aren’t one of them.

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-neb., was one of the few senators who rose to the moment. That’s not surprising, as the legislator has frequently decried the lack of seriousnes­s that prevails in today’s Congress. His thoughtful line of questionin­g was geared toward establishi­ng what Barrett’s jurisprude­ncemeant and how it was crucial to the proper role of the judiciary in a democratic system of government. Anyone who listened to their exchangewo­uld have learned something about the nominee’s beliefs and her fitness to serve on the court. That’s exactly what these hearings were supposed to accomplish.

The Senate likes to call itself “the world’s greatest deliberati­ve body.” That honor was once deserved, as members fromall background­s and political parties actively discussed issues seriously. Today’s senators, however, seem uninterest­ed in doing that; instead, they use the body’s committee rooms or the Senate floor as a platform fromwhich to read talking points prepared by their staff for regurgitat­ion in friendly social media. That is the political equivalent of a sugar high, producing a short burst of recognitio­n but damaging the institutio­n’s ability to do what it is supposed to do: discuss and pass legislatio­n that affects people’s lives. It’s no wonder that serious and ambitious women and men are increasing­ly attracted to the law or the bureaucrac­y, institutio­ns where they can do actual work. The fact that such people wield their power behind closed doors and without public discussion or consent, though, simply shows how our democracy is slowly dying before our eyes.

Cicero’s senators were unable to save their Republic. Monarchy, first from Julius Caesar and then from his adopted son, Augustus, became the only way to establish some form of stable government for Rome and its empire. The more America’s senators resemble ancient Rome’s in their obtuse preening, the more we risk drifting into an autocracy of our own.

 ??  ?? Henry Olsen
Henry Olsen

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