Morning Sun

Some movies for a COVID Christmas

- Ed Fisher Ed Fisher writes a weekly column for the Morning Sun

The pandemic increases even as some refuse to believe in it. They spread it among themselves and others, and more will die as a consequenc­e. The rest of us mask, distance, and stay home. This provides time to read, keep in touch electronic­ally, and watch TV. This being the Christmas season, my wife and I watch a collection of holiday movies. Some are classics, others good quality, and some plain old fun. The categories are in no particular order.

Among the classics I include “Tora! Tora! Tora!” the fairly accurate presentati­on of December 7, 1941. George C. Scott as General George S. Patton and Karl Malden as General Omar Bradley. After success in Africa, Patton is given command of the Third Army. On December 26, 1944, during the Battle of the Bulge, the Third leads a successful relief effort to the town of Bastogne, then continues through the Siegfried Line and into Germany.

“The Lion in Winter” England’s King Henry II (Peter O’toole) is confronted by his queen (Kathryn Hepburn) and their three sons (Anthony Hopkins, John Castle, Nigel Stock) attempt to dethrone the aging monarch. Superb cast, splendid dialog.

We have several Scrooges, our favorite being the 1951 “A Christmas Carol” with Alistair Sim as the old skinflint.

Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future show the miser how to lead a far better life. Another great version features George C. Scott. The theme is darker, more somber, less full of good cheer. On a much lighter note is “The Muppets’ Christmas Carol” where good old Kermit the Frog narrates, and Rizzo the Rat is his sidekick.

Another great is Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stewart as frustrated George Bailey and Donna Reed as his wife. The angel Clarence shows George that everyone interacts with many others, changing their lives often for the better.

Finally in this group is “Miracle on 34th Street.” Edmund Gwen, the real Santa becomes part of the Macy’s Day Parade as Kris Kringle. A lawyer (John Payne) takes on the defense of Sr. Nick during a sanity hearing and his lady friend (Maureen O’sullivan) has a change of heart.

Plain old fun includes Dr. Seuss’ “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” reluctant dog Max is an unwilling accomplice; Opus the Penguin and Bill the Cat star in “A wish for Wings at Christmas” in which our hero goes aloft; Ralphie eventually gets his Red Ryder bbgun with a compass in the stock in Jean Shepherd’s “A Christmas Story” (you’ll shoot yer eye out!); ten-year old Addie wants a tree her father refuses her in “A House Without a Christmas Tree”; Tom Hanks takes us to the North Pole in “Polar Express” where a young unbeliever meets Santa Claus and changes his mind; Mary Steenburge­n also doesn’t believe in “One Magic Christmas” when angel Gilligan temporaril­y changes her life to redeem her; “Christmas in Connecticu­t” reveals a bogus gourmet columnist (Barbara Stanwyck) when she visits a Connecticu­t farm for the holiday. Her romance improves however (Dennis Morgan) and Macuscla the cow is safe in her barn. Confused Charlie Brown tries to find the real meaning of the season in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”; “A Child’s Christmas in Wales” is told to a child, Thomas by an old man about his childhood; Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” provides melodies and charm as Bing Crosby croons supported by Danny Kaye and joined by Rosemary Clooney and Vera Ellen.

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