Morning Sun

Biden unveils top picks with Obama administra­tion ties

Susan Rice, Denis Mcdonough returning to White House

- By Jonathan Lemire and Will Weissert

WILMINGTON, DEL.» President- elect Joe Biden is introducin­g five top picks for his new administra­tion on Friday, drawing on leading names from the Obama White House while also tapping an Ohio congresswo­man and a congressio­nal committee veteran.

Appearing at the afternoon event are Biden’s choice for director of White House Domestic Policy Council, Susan Rice, who served as President Barack Obama’s national security adviser and U.N. ambassador; and Denis McDonough, Obama’s

White House chief of staff, now nominated as veterans affai r s secretary.

Also attending will be Biden’s selection for agricultur­e secretary, Tom Vilsack, who held the same post for Obama; Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge, chosen to be the new administra­tion’s housing chief; and Katherine Tai, who is chief trade counsel for the House Ways and Means Committee and has been tapped as U. S. trade representa­tive.

Obama was first elected on promises to move beyond partisan politics, but saw some major policy goals crash into an uncooperat­ive Congress, especially after Republican gains in the 2010 midterms. Some progressiv­e Democrats now worry that Biden is drawing too much from the Obama team, which they feel should have been bolder in its efforts to remake government.

Mark Riddle, a Democratic strategist who founded a pro-biden Super PAC during the 2020 presidenti­al campaign, said there is no danger in relying too heavily on “all star” former Obama administra­tion leaders. But he advised Biden’s team to prioritize controllin­g the coronaviru­s pandemic enough to spur economic growth, rather than having arguments over social policies that might allow congressio­nal Republican­s to more easily block sweeping policy initiative­s.

“The success or failure of the administra­tion out of the box is going to be, Do they focus on jobs?,” Riddle said. “If we come out of the box on jobs, jobs, jobs, I feel great. If we are about a bunch of other, say, progressiv­e ideals, we could be right back where we were.”

Rice, who was once thought to be a finalist to become Biden’s running mate before Biden settled on Kamala Harris, is set to have wide ranging sway over the incoming administra­tion’s approach to immigratio­n, health care and racial inequality. She worked closely with Biden when he was Obama’s v ice president and won’t require Senate confirmati­on — which could have faced stiff Republican opposition.

Mcdonough has been tasked with running a large agency that has presented organizati­onal challenges for both parties over the years. Vilsack, a former Iowa governor, is expected to direct agricultur­e policy with an eye toward major farming states, similar to what he did for Obama.

Fudge is Biden’s pick to head the Department of Housing and Urban Developmen­t despite some prominent African American Democrats in Congress urging him to make her agricultur­e secretary — and therefore rethink how the federal government combats hunger issues nationwide.

Those in line to head agencies require Senate approval, as does Tai.

Rice and Fudge are African American and Tai is Asian American, reflecting Biden’s promise to choose a diverse Cabinet that reflects the makeup of the country.

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