Morning Sun

New hire is woman who wrecked neighbor’s car DEAR UNDERVALUE­D »

- Dear Abby Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY » Last year, my acrossthe-street neighbor backed into my car. At least, that’s what I think happened.

My car was parked legally on the street, and there was a huge dent in it. I called the police and, based on the location of the dent and the neighbor’s driveway, the officer determined that the neighbor had backed into it.

When the officer went across the street, the neighbor came running out screaming at him. She was hysterical and belligeren­t, and she denied it. Eventually, the officer told me that even though he was certain she did it, there was nothing he could do since it was her word against mine.

Last week, I arrived at work to discover that my company had hired a new clerk. I’ll give you one guess who it is. I don’t think she realizes I’m her neighbor.

At some point, she’s going to see me in my yard and realize I’m her neighbor. Should I clear the air now, or should I pretend it never happened?

— Angry Neighbor

DEAR NEIGHBOR » Let it ride, keep your distance and remain cool. If her problems manifest at the office, she may not be there long. And at home, stay away from her AND her driveway.

DEAR ABBY » I have been in a relationsh­ip with my boyfriend for almost four years.

He doesn’t spend much time with me because he’s either working or hanging out with the guys at the bar. I do have jealousy issues. He looks at and talks to other women when I am with him.

My former husband used to be out every day until late in the evenings until I caught him cheating with my best friend.

It’s hard for me to trust again. Should I be jealous or let it go?

— Undervalue­d

in Indiana

Your insecurity is something you need to work on because your jealousy could drive a wedge between you and your boyfriend. If his looking at and conversing with women were a threat to your relationsh­ip, it’s likely something would already have happened.

Did your former husband look at women and engage them in conversati­on? That your best friend helped him cheat was another betrayal, for which you have my sympathy. But please don’t project their sins onto your boyfriend.

Talk to him. Tell him you need more time together. Make plans for a regular date night and arrange for your sons to be absent. If you still don’t have enough of his company and he likes hanging out with his guy friends at the bar, consider tagging along occasional­ly.

DEAR READERS » At sundown, the first night of the major Jewish holiday of Passover begins. It celebrates the first and most momentous event in Jewish history — the liberation of the Jewish people in Egypt. Wishing a happy Passover to my Jewish readers.

— Love, Abby!

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