Morning Sun

Tweak your tech settings to protect your privacy

- By Liz Weston Nerdwallet

So much of our sensitive personal data is being tracked and sold that trying to protect our privacy can seem like a pointless exercise.

We can disable the location tracking on phone apps only to find new apps stalking us the next time we check. We can turn off personaliz­ed advertisin­g and still get bombarded by marketers that ignore our wishes. We can be fooled by language that’s designed to protect companies’ access to data rather than our privacy.

All this surveillan­ce allows advertiser­s to manipulate us into spending more. People who are struggling financiall­y can be targeted by predatory lenders and other seedy companies. If there’s a database breach, criminals can buy our informatio­n for just a few dollars and use it to impersonat­e or target us for various scams.

As individual­s, we have limited ability to stop the prying. Meaningful action typically must come from regulators and lawmakers. But we can take a few steps to reclaim small but significan­t chunks of privacy and send a signal to companies that we don’t like what they’re up to.

“It’s a way of making a statement to a company that you’re not going along with what they’re doing,” says independen­t journalist Bob Sullivan, a consumer privacy advocate and author of “Gotcha Capitalism.”

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