Morning Sun

Woman’s estrangeme­nt from father creates second rift

- Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY » After my mother died several years ago, my father’s sometimes violent behavior flared up. A few years ago, I decided to stop spending time with him. My sister, who has received — and may continue to receive — significan­t financial support from Dad, is scolding me for it. I have asked her to respect my choice and to stop criticizin­g, but she continues to contact me, asks to see me, accuses me of “punishing” her and my father over “nothing,” and makes vague apologies for him without referencin­g specific behavior.

My dilemma is whether I should continue trying to get through to her. I’d like to see her children, but I’m unsure whether she will respect my boundaries if I see her in person. However, I’m loath to cut off all contact with her, given that I’m not seeing my dad. Is there a middle ground?

— Family Trouble

in California


» Tell your sister you love her and would very much enjoy seeing her and her children WITH ONE PROVISO: You do not wish to discuss your fractured relationsh­ip with your father. Ask if she can respect your wishes, and make clear that if it would be too difficult for her, you will understand and not visit.

DEAR ABBY » My mother has just informed me that she expects me to send her and her new husband anniversar­y cards every year, and her husband Father’s Day cards. I was 51 when Mama remarried, three years after my father’s passing. I send her husband a birthday card and text him on Father’s Day, but I feel disingenuo­us sending them/him anniversar­y or Father’s Day cards. Her husband is not my father. He has his own adult children.

Incidental­ly, Mama and her husband do not send me Mother’s Day cards. I do not want her husband to think I consider him my father. I would feel disloyal to my father if I were to do what she’s demanding. Is my mother’s expectatio­n reasonable? Should I send cards just because she wants me to? — Gracious Enough

DEAR GRACIOUS » Send your mother and her new husband an anniversar­y card, as you would ANY friend or relative you wish to congratula­te. That she would expect you to treat her new husband, a “new addition” to your family, as a father figure is ridiculous. Why are you texting him on Father’s Day? He never was and never will be your “father,” and I don’t think you should be arm-twisted into catering to Mama’s fantasy.

 ?? ?? Dear Abby
Dear Abby

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