Morning Sun

Octogenari­an aims to make date a memorable one

- Dear Abby DEAR UNCLEAR » Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY » I am an 80-year-old senior man who has met, texted daily and called an 80-year-old woman for the last six weeks. We both look and think young for our ages as well. We plan to have our first date on a Valentine’s Day theme. It’s awkward not knowing what to do when we have our first date. She says “friends first,” and I agree, but we are highly compatible based on our communicat­ions.

Because our first date will be on Valentine’s Day, she said she wants to see if there is chemistry. I’m conflicted about whether to give her a flower or flowers. Would it be appropriat­e to have a single longstemme­d rose in my car and, if she’s interested in a second date or we both feel chemistry, use “The Bachelor” TV show idea of asking her if she will accept the rose for a second date? Yes, some of us seniors want to be romantic, but we are still concerned about what’s acceptable in today’s dating world. — Unclear in the South

When you go to the table, have a small box of chocolates to present to your lady friend. The idea of keeping a long-stemmed rose concealed in your car is charming, as long as you keep the stem in water so it won’t wilt while you’re having dinner, which would be very unromantic. Please let me know how the date goes.

DEAR ABBY » My son’s bar mitzvah was two months ago. We had 125 guests. My son received a gift from everyone except my boss, “Hal.” I have known Hal most of my life. He used to work with my grandfathe­r, and he’s like a family member.

Hal is extremely generous and would certainly have given my son a gift, so I know this is simply an oversight on his part. There’s also a slight chance we lost his gift amidst the chaos of the event. Should I gently mention this to him or just let it go?

— Proud Papa in New Jersey

DEAR PAPA » If it were me I would be inclined to let it go. However, if you feel you must pursue this, approach it by telling Hal you are embarrasse­d but some of your son’s gift cards got mixed up “in the chaos.” Add that he needs to write thank-you notes, so what should Hal be thanked for?

DEAR ABBY » I live with my two older sisters. One is

18, and the other is 17. We go to dance parties on Saturday nights. My sisters want to dance up on the stage, but they just wibblewobb­le all over the place. They’re not good at it at all. Should I just pretend I don’t know them, or what?

— Better Dancer in Ohio

DEAR DANCER » It should not embarrass or insult them if you offer to show them some “different” dance moves. In fact, it would be doing them a favor. However, if they refuse, then drop the matter and refrain from criticizin­g them for their performanc­e because nobody wants a bad review.

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