Morning Sun

Freeloadin­g boyfriend makes woman feel bad

- DEAR ABBY >> DEAR INDECISIVE Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

I’ve been with the same guy for almost five years. I was madly in love with him the first three years, but after I had my daughter, things slowly changed. We haven’t been intimate in a while. I had some female issues I wanted to take care of, plus I’m not physically attracted to him anymore. He makes little comments about it to make me feel bad.

We broke up a few months ago but got back together. He moved all his stuff out, so now he makes me feel guilty, telling me he has nothing and our house doesn’t feel like his anymore. By the way, he doesn’t pay for rent or household expenses like groceries, etc. I pay for everything because he doesn’t work. Yet I have to give him money for his gambling addiction.

I don’t want to be with him anymore. But the last time we broke up, he was terribly verbally abusive, and I don’t want to go through that again. What should I do?

— Indecisive in Illinois >> Tell him you no longer want to be his sugar mama; he will have to find someone else to feed him and finance his gambling addiction. Do NOT do it while the two of you are alone. Make sure to have several friends or relatives with you for moral support and to help him collect whatever things he has at your place. If you do, it may curb his verbal abuse. After that, change the locks on your doors and do not admit him to the house again. If he forces his way in, summon the police.

DEAR ABBY >> My in-laws live 90 minutes away, so when they visit, they usually stay with us for a night or two.they are delightful people, and we always have a good time. However, now that they’re getting older, I’m wondering what the etiquette is for sleeping arrangemen­ts.

We don’t have a guest bedroom, so they sleep on a pullout sofa with a pillow topper. While they’ve never mentioned it, I know it’s not all that comfy, and

I know they have some age-related aches and pains. When my grandparen­ts stayed with us when I was a kid, they usually slept in my sister’s double bed, and she slept on the floor in the room I shared with my other sister.

Would offering my inlaws my son’s double bed be a good idea going forward? (Something about offering the master bedroom seems weird.) I’m fortunate to have great in-laws and would like to do right by them. It’s just a night or two, after all. What would you recommend I do?

— Comfort Creature

in New Jersey


>> Ask your in-laws whether they would be more comfortabl­e if you changed their sleeping arrangemen­ts. If they say yes, have a chat with your son, explain the problem and tell him you want him to sleep on the pullout sofa bed when his grandparen­ts are visiting.

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