MSC Buon Gusto

St. Thomas

Danish Dream


With its green hills and whitesand beaches, St. Thomas o ers visitors a picturepos­tcard view as well as great shopping and world-class restaurant­s.

Once a colony of Denmark, St. Thomas is part of the

U.S. Virgin Islands, along with St. John and St. Croix.

In 1917 the United States bought the Virgin Islands for 25 million to employ it as an outpost guarding the Panama Canal. Virgin Islanders have all of the rights and privileges of United States citizens.

The beaches in St. Thomas are some of the best in the world because of their calm, clear waters, powdery white sand and coral reefs that can be seen by snorkelers 40 feet from the shore.

Shopping also is one of the biggest attraction­s in St. Thomas. Its capital, Charlotte Amalie, abounds with stores, many in old Danish warehouses that once held molasses, rum, lumber, ceramics and gold. The best buys on the island are in jewelry, china, electronic­s and linens.

The Virgin Islands Museum is in the national historic landmark building that used to be Fort Christian. It is the oldest building still in use on the island.

A skyride to Paradise

Point affords a bird’s-eye view of St. Thomas and Charlotte Amalie, with

St. Croix in the distance.

But if you prefer to see the island on foot, you can walk up the numerous hillside stairways that the Danes built. The most famous stairs are the 99 Steps, which begin on Government Hill. The view from the top of the steps will make you think you have ascended the stairway to heaven.

Taste of St. Thomas

The Virgin Islands are known for their tropical drinks, both of the cocktail and health food variety. Rum is always a popular choice, but if you want something more nutritious, try banana punch or spiced seaweed milk.

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