National Enquirer




AN EVIL Vatican pedophile ring could be exposed after the Catholic Church agreed to open up a grave — part of an attempt to locate the remains of a girl who went missing in 1983 when she was just 15! Authoritie­s ripped open the crypt on July 11, after an anonymous tip, in hopes of finding the bones of missing Emanuela Orlandi.

The family’s lawyer was sent a picture of an angel statue in the Vatican’s Teutonic Cemetery with a message that read, “If you want to find Emanuela, search where the angel looks!”

If the bones inside the grave are confirmed to be those of the missing teen, it will fuel theories that she was kidnapped and forced into an evil church sex ring!

The news follows the discovery last year of a mystery male skeleton that was found beneath a church embassy in Rome. Carbon testing on the bones dated them back to at least 1964. The almost complete

skeleton and other bone fragments were unearthed during work on one of the Holy See’s compounds in Rome — leading some to speculate that sex dungeons had been built there!

“The discovery prompted fears the skeleton was of a man who had been held captive for years, since he was a boy, and systematic­ally abused and kept alive for that sole purpose by Vatican officials,” said a source.

“If the male can be identified and linked to church workers, it could finally expose the fact the Vatican shielded a pedophile ring — something that has been feared for decades.”

On his deathbed in 2012, Gabriele Amorth — formerly chief exorcist for the Vatican — claimed that Emanuela was the victim of a Vatican-connected circle that organized orgies where young girls were abused. The latest theories are another blow to the Catholic Church, which is still reeling from huge exposés of widespread sexual abuse by priests across the U.S. A report compiled by a grand jury detailed how hundreds of trusted priests had raped, beaten and abused vulnerable children in Pennsylvan­ia alone!

“The men of God who were responsibl­e for them not only did nothing; they hid it all,” according to the report.

That and other informatio­n that has come to light have led to catastroph­ic fallout for the Catholic Church across the U.S.

At least 13 states are launching investigat­ions of their own into the conduct of their priests — prompting resignatio­ns and congregati­ons deserting pews!

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