National Enquirer




HOLLYWOOD transplant Prince Harry is losing his hair and his imageconsc­ious wife, Meghan, is pushing him to do what it takes to get it back! Sources spilled to The National ENQUIRER that Meghan has Harry so selfconsci­ous about his everexpand­ing dome that he hates to even leave the house without a cap to cover it. “Meghan’s all about appearance­s, so when she sees Harry’s hair coming out in clumps, she wants him to do something about it before it’s too late!” the source dished.

The increasing­ly hairless Duke of Sussex, 35, and Duchess Meghan, 38, are surroundin­g themselves with Hollywood A-listers to help her relaunch her acting career and make him a player in the industry — and she wants her prince to look the part as well, according to sources.

But insiders said her constant reminders that

he will look like his balding dad, Prince Charles, before he’s even 40 have made him incredibly insecure! “Male-pattern baldness runs through his royal blood — just look at his grandfathe­r Prince Philip and his uncle Edward — but Harry’s too proud to let that happen.

“He’s also tired

of being the laughingst­ock of the British press for his rapid hair loss. He’s ready to do something

about it!” Sources said he is so distressed over his tresses, he’s already getting advice from his new

Hollywood pals about transplant­s or plugs to save his mane!

“Fortunatel­y, he’s

L.A., which boasts the best surgeons and dermatolog­ists in the world,” the source spilled. “Harry’s amazed at the success some of his celebrity pals have had restoring their hair and has been getting tips on the best doctors and procedures available.

“He’s been told it could cost upwards of $20,000, but with Meghan pushing him, Harry’s already spent the money in his mind!” The Duke and Duchess of Sussex did not respond to requests for comment.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Uncle Prince Edward (left) and grandpa Prince Philip are
balding, too
Uncle Prince Edward (left) and grandpa Prince Philip are balding, too

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