National Enquirer



WHILE ordinary Americans struggle with raging inflation, doggone spendthrif­ts Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are spending a king’s ransom pampering their pooches, sources howl. The “American Idol” judge and her “Lord of the Rings” hunk dote on fluffy terrier Buddy and teacup poodles Nugget and Butters, taking the dapper dogs to see the best groomer in town, where appointmen­ts run from $800 to $2,400, spies tattle!

“This is in the range of what Katy spends on her own hair!” barks an insider. “Katy’s affection for her dogs and willingnes­s to spoil them has only intensifie­d since she and Orlando became parents and really started putting a family home together.”

“Roar” singer Katy, 37, and fiancé Orlando, 45, welcomed daughter Daisy Dove in August 2020. But the source snitches the pair’s pups are treated like “gifted children!”

The well-heeled hounds visit a holistic vet — who charges up to $800 per hour — and eat organic meals made from scratch, tattles the spy. “Orlando and Katy want them to live as long as possible, so no price is too high for their health,” explains the insider.

“But when you add up what Katy’s spending on her dogs in a year, it starts to look like a college tuition–sized number.”

 ?? ?? Well-heeled
Perry and Bloom are devoted parents to their critters!
Well-heeled hounds! Perry and Bloom are devoted parents to their critters!

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