National Enquirer



SHARK Tank billionair­e Mark Cuban says Microsoft icon Bill Gates once “stole” some fawning babes from him when he was a newborn millionair­e!

On a recent podcast, Cuban recalls he was captivatin­g some gals in a Las Vegas bar until Gates walked in.

“I had started my company — I was like 26, 27 and I just thought I was a badass,” says Cuban, 64. “I’m hanging with these girls and this was right when Microsoft had gone public.”

At the time, Mark says he was worth “maybe a million dollars,” chump change when compared to Gates, 66. “I’m buying these girls drinks and doing shots and everything and they’re like, ‘I’ve got to go to the bathroom,’ ” continues Cuban. “And then they don’t come back and I’m like, what the f**k? And then my buddy says, ‘Yo, you know who Bill Gates is?’ Bill Gates took my girls!”

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Beanie Feldstein is leaving Funny Girl
Michele takes over as Fanny Brice on Sept. 6 Beanie Feldstein is leaving Funny Girl
 ?? ?? Mark was doing okay with the ladies until Bill entered the bar
Mark was doing okay with the ladies until Bill entered the bar

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