National Enquirer



BRAVE pizza deliveryma­n Nicholas Bostic cast aside all concerns for his own safety and twice charged into a burning house to rescue five sleeping kids!

Now the 25-year-old is being hailed as a hero as he recovers from smoke inhalation and a serious laceration on his arm after his epic rescue. But he’s lucky to be alive!

Bostic was driving in his car in Lafayette, Ind., just after midnight on July 11 when he spotted a house engulfed in flames. With no fire trucks in sight, he pulled into the home’s driveway and sprang into action.

Unable to call

911, Bostic says he

“didn’t want to waste time trying to find someone who could.” Instead, he ran into the inferno, braving intense heat and choking smoke, calling out to see if anyone was inside.

“I was hightailin­g it,

110 percent,” he recalls. “It started to get hard to see because the smoke was getting bad. I don’t know how to explain it, but it was like I accepted I was going to probably die, right there, that night. But it was a weird calm. You just got to work as fast as you can.”

Hearing no initial response, he raced up the stairs and found four sleeping children ages one to 18. He woke them, and they were all able to escape the inferno.

But once out in the open, one of the kids said a sixyear-old girl was still inside.

So Bostic dashed back into the flaming hell. He heard the girl crying and tracked her down. Then he scooped her up, broke a second-floor window and jumped out, making sure to land in a way to protect the child from the impact of the fall.

But the gutsy deliveryma­n needed hospital treatment himself.

Now recovering at home, a GoFundMe page for

Bostic has raised more than $500,000.

“Everyone says, hero-this or hero-that,” notes the modest lifesaver. “I don’t know about that. I was just a guy.”

But Lafayette Police insists, “His selflessne­ss during this incident is inspiring. He has impressed many with his courage, tenacity and steadfast calmness in the face of such perilous dangers.”

 ?? ?? The fire department greeted a stillbanda­ged Nick after he returned home from the hospital
A police body camera captured Nicholas Bostic racing out of the
Indiana home
Mayor of Lafayette Tony Roswarski met with Bostic after he was discharged
The two-story home was engulfed
in flames
Nick was briefly hospitaliz­ed to recover
The fire department greeted a stillbanda­ged Nick after he returned home from the hospital A police body camera captured Nicholas Bostic racing out of the Indiana home Mayor of Lafayette Tony Roswarski met with Bostic after he was discharged The two-story home was engulfed in flames Nick was briefly hospitaliz­ed to recover

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