National Enquirer



POT-STIRRING Gwyneth Paltrow is gooping up Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld’s longtime friendship with Martha Stewart — and upending the summer social scene in the Hamptons, tipsters tattle.

Insiders dish Goop honcho Gwyn, 49, is desperate to hobnob with the comedian and his cookbook author wife — and lure them away from competing lifestyle mogul Martha, 81.

The Oscar winner first sparked a bitter rivalry with the older domestic diva in 2014 by poaching her empire’s onetime CEO Lisa Gersh, sources snitch. Now, an insider spills, “Gwyneth’s obviously trying to get Jessica on her side, and what a win if she could get Jerry, too. “She’s been telling Jessica things Martha’s said about her and Jerry, particular­ly about being a huge fan of Jerry’s and loving his stand-up comedy.”

As The National

ENQUIRER reported, maneater Martha has made jokes about wanting pals to croak, so she can sink her teeth in their hubbies!

The insider squeals, “Gwyneth and her tight-knit circle have even warned Jessica she’s probably one of the ‘friends’ Martha wished would die, so she can date her husband!” According to the tipster, snooty Martha has also pooh-poohed Jessica’s culinary skills as ordinary — but the 50-year-old foodie has tolerated her haughty pal’s put-downs. Even so, sources say Jerry, 68, and his wife want to steer clear of the feud — but the drama is rattling their fellow highfaluti­n pals! “Gwyneth seems to have gotten the upper hand,” adds the source. “People know very well not to push her buttons by refusing her invitation­s.”

 ?? ?? Jerry Seinfeld and wife Jessica have a longtime friendship with Martha Stewart
Jerry Seinfeld and wife Jessica have a longtime friendship with Martha Stewart
 ?? ?? Jerry and Jessica have been getting an earful from Paltrow,
an insider spills
Jerry and Jessica have been getting an earful from Paltrow, an insider spills
 ?? ??

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