National Enquirer


Cuts tell-all deal & gets soft time in posh prison


CONVICTED sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell has landed in a cushy, country club– like prison in sunny Florida following a secret deal to sell out old party pal

Donald Trump and other intimates of billionair­e pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, sources say. As The National ENQUIRER recently reported, the disgraced British socialite who groomed underage girls for Epstein was seeking a backroom agreement to expose Trump in return for a pardon from President Joe Biden at the end of his current term in the Oval Office.

Just days after the news broke, 60-year-old Maxwell — who counts Britain’s

Prince Andrew and former President Bill Clinton among her powerful A-list pals — was suddenly transferre­d from a hellhole prison in Brooklyn to the low-security Federal Correction­al

Institutio­n (FCI) Tallahasse­e, where inmates enjoy arts and crafts, Pilates and yoga! “It’s clear Ghislaine has made some sort of deal behind the scenes,” reveals an insider. “She’s a sex offender who hardly showed any remorse for her crimes and tried to blame everything on Epstein. She should be doing hard time, not gardening.” Sources say the Bureau of Prisons’ decision to send Ghislaine 1,000 miles south seems especially suspicious given Judge Alison Nathan’s recommenda­tion she serve her 20-year sentence at FCI in Danbury, Conn., the hard-knocks lockup that inspired the gritty Netflix dramedy Orange Is the New Black.

“I think she’s already made a deal, and the evidence is where she got assigned to do time,” says Texas lawyer Joe Gutheinz, who has represente­d clients in federal court. “She could even be testifying before a grand jury right now!” Along with having a choice of occupation­al training programs including cosmetolog­y, horticultu­re and baking, Ghislaine can join a “self-image group” and participat­e in “informal

counseling sessions” with prison staff.

But perhaps most importantl­y, Gutheinz says she’ll be surrounded by inmates who have demonstrat­ed sterling behavior.

“She’ll still have a target on her back, but at least the gang members will have been weeded out,” he tells


Getting friendly with fellow prisoners will likely top bisexual Ghislaine’s to-do list, says William Steel, a former jewel thief who claims he had a sexual relationsh­ip with her in the 1990s.

“Given her procliviti­es, her loneliness, her desperatio­n and her perversion­s, I have no doubt that Ghislaine has been eyeing potential prison lovers since the moment she got into the general population,” Steel, author of Ghislaine: Sensationa­l and Impure, tells The ENQUIRER. “She also needs someone who can protect her.” Meanwhile, sources claim Ghislaine has plenty to unload about Trump, 76, as they moved in the same circles during the 1990s and early 2000s and attended wild, and frequently wicked, high-society parties along with the future first lady, then an up-and-coming model known as Melania Knauss. Gutheinz says other prominent men in Epstein’s orbit have good reason to be quaking in their boots. Clinton and Andrew have already denied any wrongdoing — and

insist they knew nothing about Epstein’s twisted activities.

“If I were any of Epstein’s rich and famous pals, I would be very, very concerned right now,” he says. “You have to believe Ghislaine knows where all the bodies are buried and can trade in on that card at any time, if she hasn’t already.”

 ?? ?? Donald Trump and Melania partied with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell at Mar-a-Lago
in Palm Beach, Fla., in 2000
Britain’s Prince Andrew
Former President
Bill Clinton
Donald Trump and Melania partied with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., in 2000 Britain’s Prince Andrew Former President Bill Clinton
 ?? ?? Maxwell’s previous digs were at the notorious Metropolit­an Detention Center
in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Maxwell’s previous digs were at the notorious Metropolit­an Detention Center in Brooklyn, N.Y.
 ?? ?? Judge Alison Nathan
Judge Alison Nathan
 ?? ?? President Joe Biden
President Joe Biden
 ?? ?? At FCI Tallahasse­e, Ghislaine will still have a target on her back but the roughest
inmates will have been weeded out, a
legal expert says
At FCI Tallahasse­e, Ghislaine will still have a target on her back but the roughest inmates will have been weeded out, a legal expert says

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