National Enquirer



GOOD news for millions of migraine sufferers! A new nasal spray that can bring pain relief in as little as 15 minutes and last up to 48 hours has been approved by the Food and Drug Administra­tion. Zavegepant doesn’t make you drowsy like other meds and appears safe for patients at risk of heart attack or stroke.

“We’ve been waiting for this medication,” proclaims Duke University Medical Center’s Dr. Timothy Collins. The drug, marketed as Zavzpret by Pfizer, is the first nasal spray for migraines that inhibits the release of proteins called calcitonin gene-related peptides (CGRP), which increase during an attack, causing inflammati­on and pain.

In a clinical trial, the drug relieved pain and had a lasting effect for 24 percent of participan­ts.

Migraines affect almost 40 million Americans and disrupt everyday functionin­g, forcing sufferers to miss work, school and precious time with loved ones. Although incurable, migraines can be managed.

The headaches occur when nerve fibers in the wall of brain blood vessels are activated, resulting in recurrent attacks of moderate to severe pain. At least 60 percent of sufferers also experience nausea during an attack, making pills difficult to swallow. In addition, the digestive system shuts down, inhibiting absorption of oral medication­s.

As a nasal spray, Zavzpret enables faster absorption and relief.

An injection currently available also offers nonpill migraine relief, but it uses a drug that is not recommende­d for people with vascular diseases. About one in five of the 1,269 trial participan­ts reported a temporary altered sense of taste from the spray, while a few others experience­d nasal discomfort and nausea.

But there was no evidence of rebound headaches that can happen when using migraine medication too often.

Collins says that Zavzpret, available in pharmacies in July, is “a really helpful addition to migraine management.”

 ?? ?? The spray can bring relief in as little as 15 minutes
The spray can bring relief in as little as 15 minutes
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 ?? ?? Zavzpret is expected to be available in pharmacies
in July
Zavzpret is expected to be available in pharmacies in July
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