National Enquirer


Fur flies as tone-deaf diva makes mincemeat of critters


MERCILESS Martha Stewart got animal activists howling for her head by butchering an adopted deer and pet roosters to make dog food!

Sources tell The National ENQUIRER the multimilli­onaire didn’t shed a tear over slaughteri­ng critters she praised as “such good friends” to feed her pampered pooches.

The domestic destroyer, 82, then had the nerve to complain about the bloodbath making a mess at her mansion!

“Dogs have to eat too, but the feeling is Martha cruelly butchered her buddies needlessly, and then whined about the bloody mess and told her staff to clean it up,” spills an insider. “Animal activists are outraged and calling her a hypocrite.” The coldbloode­d connoisseu­r has advocated for animal rights, encouragin­g people to reject fur and eat more plantbased food. But her precious pups — French bulldogs Crème Brulee and Bete Noire and Chow Chows Emperor

Han and Empress Qin — are apparently a different story. Martha grossed out social media followers by sharing her recipe for the homemade dog food.

“Start with the buck deer that’s been living here since he found his way in a year ago (slowly cook the cubed meat until tender),” she wrote. “Then harvest the old roosters who have been such good friends and make such tasty poached chicken.”

The recipe also calls for salmon carcasses.

“Martha takes great pride in living off the farm, but a lot of people were nauseated by her post,” says the insider. “They couldn’t believe she would kill a beautiful deer that had stayed on her property and probably felt safe and protected. And the roosters. How could she do that to her ‘good friends’?” The post sparked a firestorm, with one follower commenting “Remind me not to fall asleep at Martha’s after dinner. And tell my family I was there.”

 ?? ?? Stewart says she harvested “the old roosters who have been such
good friends”
Stewart says she harvested “the old roosters who have been such good friends”
 ?? ?? Martha made more than 40 quarts
of the homemade dog food!
Martha made more than 40 quarts of the homemade dog food!
 ?? ?? Martha has two French bulldogs and two Chow Chows
Martha has two French bulldogs and two Chow Chows
 ?? ?? The domestic guru’s recipe also called for salmon carcasses, broccoli, carrots and pumpkin
The domestic guru’s recipe also called for salmon carcasses, broccoli, carrots and pumpkin
 ?? ?? Martha’s stray deer ended up in the
dog food
Martha’s stray deer ended up in the dog food

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