National Enquirer



NO ONE'S laughing about comedian Amy Schumer's moon face after she revealed she suffers from a chronic health woe that's been wreaking havoc on her body for 20 years!

Amy's puffy mug recently shocked Tonight Show viewers, prompting her to explain that she has “medical and hormonal things going on” due to her battle with endometrio­sis.

The condition results from tissue similar to the lining of the uterus growing outside of it, often causing debilitati­ng,

life-altering pain. While not deadly in itself, endometrio­sis can lead to potentiall­y lifethreat­ening problems such as ectopic pregnancy and depression.

Three years ago, the

Life & Beth star, 42, had a hysterecto­my and appendecto­my to treat the disease, but she still experience­s hormonal imbalances like the one that

swelled her face.

“Like every other woman/ person, some days I feel confident and good as hell and others I want to put a bag over my head,” she admits.

Top doctors tell The National ENQUIRER Amy's moon face is just one of the many symptoms she may suffer! “There is release of various inflammato­ry mediators, such as interleuki­ns, cytokines and histamine, which trigger systemic inflammato­ry reactions,” explains Dr. Laurence Orbuch.

Other common symptoms include fatigue, fertility problems and chronic pain. In Amy's case, it also caused some insensitiv­e online comments.

“I believe a woman doesn't need any excuse for her physical appearance and owes no explanatio­n,” declares the jokester. “But I wanted to take the opportunit­y to advocate for self-love and acceptance of the skin you're in.”

 ?? ?? NOW
Schumer says she has “medical and hormonal things
going on”
NOW Schumer says she has “medical and hormonal things going on”
 ?? ?? THEN

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