National Enquirer


Who’s clueless! Who’s shameless! Who’s just nasty!


BEING a celebrity bodyguard isn’t all flashy cars and superstars, it’s dirty, dangerous work — thanks to A-list clients who are more of a handful than their weirdly obsessed fans! Now The National ENQUIRER takes you behind the velvet ropes and into the shadows where the muscle-bound minders see all, hear all, and tell MORE about the sweetheart­s, the abusers, the self-absorbed and the stars people hate to work for!

One hired heavy squeals, “The work can be exciting. Sometimes you even develop friendship­s with a star. But many other times, you just throw your hands in the air and think, ‘They don’t pay me enough to do this sh*t!’” A veteran protector of pop singer Gwen Stefani says, “I would rather roll around in a bed of broken syringes used by crack whores than deal with her ever again.”

Another gabs the Hollaback Girl has a rep as being “Miss Nice,” but huffs, “Man, you cross her — and you have hell to pay!”

According to another muscle, American Idol finalist turned Queen frontman Adam Lambert also gets a thumbs-down. “I never met or worked for someone so heartless and rude. I did my best to be profession­al and held every ounce of strength not to kill the guy myself!” the source squeals. A former minder of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie recalls the high-pressure job of guarding the pair before their split wasn’t helped by Brangelina peppering him with dumb questions!

“What surprised me was their low level of common sense,” the mole gripes. “I found it crazy when they would ask me questions like, ‘How do I go down to that bar?’ and ‘What do I need to do to get there?’ I found that weird.” Bodyguards are often privy to the quirks and kinks of their clientele. An ex-security staffer to Jennifer Aniston says the shameless Friends stunner frequently answered her door in skimpy lingerie and chuckles, “I can name all the moles on her body. That’s how many times I’ve seen her undressed.”

According to another tipster, Pretty Woman Julia Roberts and hubby Danny Moder’s hippie-dippie ways stink!

The ex-guard gabs he found the twosome “grunge all the way” and sniffs Julia would go “days without showering. She likes the smell of her natural oils!”

But some jobs make a defender hold their nose for other reasons. A former security man for David Bowie says he once had to guard the door as the late hitmaker and his rocker pal Mick Jagger had a threesome with an English songbird! While most

chaperones prefer to work in the shadows, Fernando Flores publicly filed a lawsuit against Toxic singer Britney Spears for alleged sexual harassment. Flores claims the flirtatiou­s pop tart repeatedly hit on him while he was on duty and shockingly exposed her genitals! Britney eventually settled the suit out of court — and the terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Meanwhile, other sources dish delusional Kanye

West once believed nearly every man was out to steal his then-wife

Kim Kardashian — including his bodyguards!

Steve Stanulis charges the rude Gold Digger rapper canned him after falsely accusing him of hitting on the reality babe! Now, Stanulis calls his time with the temperamen­tal talent “traumatic.”

But not every star is a stinker.

A former member of Eminem’s entourage says the Oscar-winning Lose Yourself rapper is “exceedingl­y humble” and treated his staff “very kindly and well.” Suicide Squad’s John Cena also got sweet reviews. One tough guy who kept an eye out for the WWE legend says, “I was told not to let any fans near him. A fan saw him and asked for an autograph, which caused more fans to see him. He said it was fine to let them near him and signed an autograph for every single fan. He apologized for making me wait and gave me a Snickers chocolate bar when we got to his dressing room!”

A source tells The ENQUIRER the good clients make the bad ones fade from memory and adds, “In this line of work, you really see the best and the worst in people, and eventually learn that people are people — no matter their celebrity status!”

 ?? ?? Pop singer Gwen Stefani has a reputation for being difficult,
claim two bodyguards
Pop singer Gwen Stefani has a reputation for being difficult, claim two bodyguards
 ?? ?? Angelina Jolie and
Brad Pitt lacked “common sense,”
a mole dishes
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt lacked “common sense,” a mole dishes
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Adam Lambert was “rude,” one
minder says
Adam Lambert was “rude,” one minder says
 ?? ?? Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston
 ?? ?? Profession­al bodyguards to the stars say they see the worst and the
best in people
Profession­al bodyguards to the stars say they see the worst and the best in people
 ?? ?? Delusional Kanye West thought everyone wanted Kim Kardashian, a muscleman says
Delusional Kanye West thought everyone wanted Kim Kardashian, a muscleman says
 ?? ?? Danny Moder and wife Julia Roberts didn’t smell too pretty, according to one ex-guard
Danny Moder and wife Julia Roberts didn’t smell too pretty, according to one ex-guard
 ?? ?? Mick Jagger
and David Bowie needed security during
a threesome!
Mick Jagger and David Bowie needed security during a threesome!
 ?? ?? Eminem treated
his staff well
Eminem treated his staff well
 ?? ?? John Cena gets good reviews
John Cena gets good reviews
 ?? ??

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