Native American Art



Lone Mountain

— Made famous by Charles Loloma, Lone Mountain turquoise has been a go-to for artists for decades. It’s known for its varying characteri­stics, including its tight matrix, amazing color and fern-like patterning.


— Deep blue and almost translucen­t in color with thick spider web matrix that can appear brown in high-grade examples.


— Known for its varying colors, from deep blues to emerald greens.

Carico Lake

— This one also comes in varying colors, but is mostly known for its greens, which range from soft pastel greens to deep shamrock greens.


— Another favorite for artists. Known for its hypnotic, at times even smoky, blues. It’s also a very hard turquoise, which makes it easy to work with.

Lander Blue

— Prized and rare, and treasured by artists and collectors alike. Not much of it was mined, which is why it can sell at $500 or more per carat. It’s known for its tight webbing and deep blue color.


— Known for its pyrite matrix, which gives it a gold-like shimmer.


— One of the most prolific turquoise mines in the world is the Kingman mine. It comes in nearly every variation of color of turquoise.

Hidden Valley

—Very rare and often expensive, Hidden Valley usually turns up in high-end pieces or as important accents on smaller works.

Number 8

— Sometimes called Spiderweb Number 8, this variety of turquoise is popular for its, you guessed it, web-like matrix.

Sleeping Beauty

— This one comes in all varieties, but is often known for its pure blue color with little or no matrix.

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