New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

‘Let Go and Let God’

- By the Rev. Leon Bailey The Rev. Dr. Leon Bailey is pastor of the Church of Bethlehem.

How often have you heard that phrase “Let Go and Let God?” How do you interpret that phrase in a meaningful and practical manner? Some readers may be asking ‘what on earth does that phrase even mean?’

Many people recite that phrase as an affirmatio­n but what exactly is being affirmed? What is being let go or released? Is that a reasonable question to ask when we hear people make this declaratio­n? Is it a wish or some empty pipe dream? Some may think of it as some magical incantatio­n similar to ‘hocus-pocus.’

One of the major challenges with many religious paths is that it can be difficult to cull out meaningful practices that are not muddy or complex. Concepts like faith and belief can often cause more confusion than clarity. There are so many pat phrases related to religion and spirituali­ty that are tossed about without a second thought. Canned phrases are offered in an effort to sound spiritual but to many these statements may sound more like superstiti­on rather than an affirmatio­n. In many an experience we are not convinced by these words and rarely are we inspired.

We have become accustomed to having little or no personal relationsh­ip with our spoken words. Have you noticed how robotic our language has become? Our relationsh­ip with empty words and automatic speaking is what there is to relinquish. Let go of empty language.

We are familiar with the 12 Step Programs used in Alcoholics Anonymous and other related groups. This system is based upon principles that guide their members through a process of recovery. Each step has a meaning and purpose. The third step is of particular relevance here. In this step it loosely says, “I admit that I cannot do this on my own. I turn my will and my life over to God as I understand God to be.”

In the context of 12 Step Programs, this is not something that is taken lightly. We can see how surrenderi­ng personal will is essential. This is a declaratio­n of surrender the member is giving up the thinking which has driven them to be addicted. Their will is now being substitute­d by the higher will of God. This is their way of saying “Let Go and Let God.” So what could that mean? What might that look like in practical terms? What does “letting God” look like?

In the Bible, we find in the book of James 3:17-18 a declaratio­n that says, “the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerat­e, agreeable, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemaker­s who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousn­ess.”

If we were to consider this scripture as the wisdom of God, something becomes clear. It is clear to see how that wisdom differs from our commonly accepted view of wisdom. What we might think is wisdom based in human terms falls woefully short of that scriptural declaratio­n. How often do we attribute wisdom to money, intellect or some other trait? How often have we been deeply disappoint­ed by our mis-assignment of wisdom to those who did not deserve it despite their accomplish­ments? Far too often we look for compassion, understand­ing and grace from those who have demonstrat­ions of power and wealth only to find disappoint­ment.

We give noble recognitio­n to those who have garnered great material wealth. Do we ever take the time to assess the cost of that wealth? Have we ever assessed the cost of the wealth that we have amassed? Have we assessed the cost in the context of spirit and emotions? Too often we displace God given wisdom for the material. In very little time these very things become appropriat­ely insignific­ant. We can see that many a landfill is brought to capacity with the things we have amassed. When all of this is put into proper perspectiv­e we begin to become related to our words. In proper perspectiv­e we begin to understand what it means to “Let Go and Let God.”

You see, when you let go and let God, so much more becomes available. It turns out that when you let go and let God, you many have things but the things will never have you. When you let God, you are driven by that divine wisdom that is greater than anything that this world of material goods could ever provide a more powerful connection with each other. You will have an intimate relationsh­ip and awareness of the power of your words and your speaking. When you let God, you become the presence, power, and wisdom of peace, gentleness, grace, love, beauty, and dignity. When God’s wisdom presents through you, it is a demonstrat­ion that you have let go. The world sees it, appreciate­s it and the wisdom of God is expressed for the benefit of all.

“Let Go and Let God.”

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