New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

There are more blessings in store for you


Awhile back, I read in the Bible how God led the Israelites by way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea.

Then, He guided the people around in a large circle. As the people camped at the edge of the Red Sea, they noticed that the mountains were on one side and the sea was on the other side of them.

When the Israelites saw Pharaoh’s soldiers in the distance charging toward them, it appeared as though they were trapped with no way out. Terrified, the people cried out to Moses in despair. There seemed to be no hope for them at all.

But Moses trusted God during this impossible time. Moses didn’t get upset, give up or give in to desperatio­n.

Rather, Moses steered the people’s attention to

God and calmly gave a solution as he said: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm. And you will see the deliveranc­e of the Lord. The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.” (Exodus 14:13-14)

God then told Moses to tell the people of Israel to “go forward.” Moses lifted up his staff and stretched out his hand over the sea.

God intervened, for sometimes He prefers to work in situations that some deem impossible. He dramatical­ly caused a strong wind to blow.

The waters parted, and the people walked on the sea floor, on dry ground, safely to the other side.

Similar to the Israelites, at times you can be put into a temporary, yet difficult, place or a seemingly impossible circumstan­ce. Yet, what looked like a mess for the Israelites, God turned into a miracle, and today He can do the same for you.

Don’t let what didn’t yet work out make you lose your passion and hopes for the future. No matter what challenge you’re encounteri­ng, do not get discourage­d. God is saying to you: “Do not be afraid, stand firm and go forward.”

You have come too far to back down and quit. Trust God, as He is the omnipotent One. “God will guide you continuall­y” (Isaiah 58:11). Thus, “Don’t be anxious about anything” (Philippian­s 4:6). “God is your strength and power” (2 Samuel 22:33). For God promised to “repay two blessings for each of your troubles.” (Zechariah 9:12)

I’ve heard it said, “Push out of the safe zone and into the faith zone.” God has not forgotten about you. Wonderful blessings are yet to be.

Once a reader wrote to me and recounted how she has been through many difficulti­es in her life; a painful past, divorce, sickness and job losses. “But God was consistent in His guidance and always there to cover me and carry me through,” her note said.

This reader could have become increasing­ly discourage­d and downtrodde­n, thinking her best days were over. Though, in her letter, she described that after the initial shock settled down, she was determined to live a full and productive life.

She recognized that the impossibil­ities that she had been confronted with could become God’s opportunit­ies to show Himself strong in her behalf. Next, the reader chose to go out on a limb, rekindle an old dream and pursue a chance to go to nursing school.

Although it was difficult, with a can-do attitude she embraced it and pressed on toward the future. She finished school and soon found satisfying employment at a local hospital.

There, she met someone special who she believed was her soulmate. A year later they were married. “God made the impossible to be possible and gave me back more than double for my losses and pain,” she wrote.

Trust God even though things don’t make complete sense to you at the moment. Seek God sincerely in prayer. Keep hoping, keep believing, keep speaking words of faith and keep persisting. There is no obstacle that is too big for God to turn around for your great good.

Remember, all your words carry weight and influence. Therefore, don’t lose sight of even God’s smallest miracles and blessings and express thankfulne­ss for them. Daily, — Ponder upon the good. — Talk optimistic­ally. — Expect favorable results.

— And carry a vision of good things coming to pass.

Never speak doubt, lack or limitation. And by no means deem of yourself as inadequate or incompeten­t.

Erase all thoughts of negativity and acknowledg­e the positive at every possible moment.

Instead of saying, “I have so little,” say, “I have so much.” Rather than declaring, “I missed my opportunit­y,” say, “God is a God of another chance.”

In place of expressing, “I won’t get well,” voice, “God will cause me to triumph.” Instead of uttering, “It’s too far gone,” say, “God is working to wonderfull­y transform my situation right now.”

You must stop rehashing and regretting the past. Rather, look to what can be. You may have been knocked down, yet you can brush yourself off and try again. Never say, “I can’t” for you are full of can do strength.

Soon, such thoughts and words can be brought to manifestat­ion. Look for the blessings in each day and rejoice in God’s great love for you. When you look for the good,and talk about the good, you draw out the good.

Once, a teenager asked a mother of three, “Why do you love your children?” Instantly, the mother replied, “Because they are mine.”

As it is with God’s love for you. He loves you because you are His.

I don’t know what you’re facing today, but boldly look with hope and confidence to the future. Every day expect the best that God has for your life.

And in your mind’s eye, visualize the great Creator of the Universe going before you, standing behind you and guiding every step you take ahead.

God has a plan for you and is working a miracle in the midst of your biggest challenge. Victories are forthcomin­g, with more love, more joys and more blessings in store for you.

Email Catherine Galasso-Vigorito at cgv@anewyouwor­ To order a copy of her new book, “The Open Window, 8 Weeks to Creating an Extraordin­ary Life,” visit www.anewyouwor­ or bookstores nationwide.

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