New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

Still giving thanks on a very different Thanksgivi­ng


When I was a kid in a past century, everybody in my family piled into my parents’ station wagon on Thanksgivi­ng morning and headed out to Granny’s house for a big holiday feast.

This wasn’t literally “over the river and through the woods to grandmothe­r’s house we go.” She lived about five miles away and not in the woods, so it was an easy ride from Mount Kisco, N.Y., to Bedford Village.

When my wife was a kid, she and her sister and their parents drove from Old Lyme down to Philadelph­ia to join the grandparen­ts and Uncle George and Aunt Mabel around a big table every Thanksgivi­ng Day.

My granny lived alone in a big, colonial house near the village green. She had an excellent cook, Marie, who kept bringing in to us more turkey, more stuffing, more gravy, more corn, more mashed potatoes, more biscuits, then the pumpkin and apple pie. Sweet!

Who lives in that house now? I haven’t a clue. Granny died in 1976, followed in the decades afterward by my parents. My wife’s grandparen­ts and parents also have left us, along with Uncle George and Aunt Mabel.

On many Thanksgivi­ng weekends my brother organized a “Turkey Bowl” touch football game, which gave us a chance to reunite with our old friends. That’s gone, too, and we don’t see those friends much anymore.

But then my brother and I got married and produced kids of our own with whom to celebrate the holidays. He’s been lucky that two of his kids, now with kids of their own, have settled near him and his wife in suburban Washington, D.C.

Not so for our kids! They lit out together for L.A. Even without COVID’s restrictio­ns it has been difficult to be with them on Thanksgivi­ng. And this year, forget about it.

For about five years our good friends Barbara O’Brien and

Chris Udry invited us and other friends to share Thanksgivi­ng lunch around their table in our East Rock neighborho­od of New Haven. It was great fun. But several years ago they moved to Chicago. As Carole King asked in her song “So Far Away”: “Doesn’t anybody stay in one place anymore?”

For nigh unto 25 years I have gotten up on Thanksgivi­ng morning and driven out to Madison for the “Turkey Trot,” a festive road race that attracts the entire community and folks such as me from nearby places. My next-door neighbor Bill and I drove out there together. This year, of course, the race has gone “virtual.”

My wife and kids learned long ago that no matter how we all celebrate Thanksgivi­ng or where we are, at some point that day I will put on Arlo Guthrie’s “Alice’s Restaurant Massacree.” This is

Guthrie’s epic tale of getting busted for littering by “Officer Obie” in Stockbridg­e, Mass., on Thanksgivi­ng

Day when Arlo and his buds tried to help their host Alice by getting rid of her garbage. I also played it for Bill on our way out to that race in Madison.

Well now, here we all are in this infernal pandemic, with Thanksgivi­ng upon us. The doctors at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have sternly warned us not to travel, not to spend Thanksgivi­ng with people outside our household “pods.” New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker is pleading with us to follow that advice.

“Natalie and I have decided to spend Thanksgivi­ng with our girls,” Elicker said in an email. “But we’ll be Zooming in other family members. It’s a hard conversati­on to have with loved ones, many of whom are feeling isolated, but we all want many more Thanksgivi­ngs together. This one is just not worth the risk.”

He’s right. And so what now for Thanksgivi­ng 2020?

I will begin the morning with a run, but it will be a solitary one, through the quiet streets of East Rock. Later in the day my wife and I, “home alone” but together, and in the company of our dog and two cats, will Zoom with our daughters and our son-in-law, 3,000 miles away.

At mid-morning my wife and I will do something we had always talked about doing but had never accomplish­ed: we will deliver meals for the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen. This is being done in cooperatio­n with the Interfaith Volunteer Care Givers of Greater New Haven and Yale Hospitalit­y, who will make the food.

We have been given our delivery route, 10 homes on Quinnipiac Avenue, Eastern Street, Fairmont Avenue and Welcome

Street. We will meet Carmen, Christine, Carol, Gladys, Audrey, Carl and all the others. We are looking forward to it.

“Thanks so much for stepping up this crazy year,” the organizers told us while sending our list of recipients. “Next year things will be so much better.”

Oh yes, they will!

Meanwhile, we’ll be giving thanks for our good health, our home, having each other and that dog and those cats, our daughters, our son-in-law, our extended family in faraway states, our friends and neighbors, our neighborho­od, our city, our state and our wise electorate.

We’re still here. We persevere. And as a symbol of that perseveran­ce, this year we’ll drink a toast to Arlo Guthrie, who is still with us, as I cue up “Alice’s Restaurant.” “You can get anything you want…”

 ??  ??
 ?? Contribute­d photo ?? The Beach household prepares for Thanksgivi­ng.
Contribute­d photo The Beach household prepares for Thanksgivi­ng.

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