New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

‘ New’ New Year’s resolution­s from my readers

- RABBI MARC GELLMAN Send questions and comments to godsquadqu­

I asked you, dear readers, to join me in the hunt for truly novel and spirituall­y impactful New Year’s resolution­s. You flooded the inbox of my life.

I asked you, dear readers, to join me in the hunt for truly novel and spirituall­y impactful New Year’s resolution­s. You flooded the inbox of my life. Thank you.

Here is a sampling of some of the things some of you will sometimes try to sometimes do …

From S in Branford, Conn.: My resolution­s are to be kind and to stay positive. I have always tried to have a “glass half full” attitude but 2020 made that a challenge. I count my blessings when I feel down and remember how fortunate I am despite bumps in the road. I can’t wait to get vaccinated and will do so as soon as I can!

MG: Amen, dear S. Remember Meister Eckhardt’s wisdom, “If the only prayer you ever say is ‘Thank you!’ it will be enough.”

From M in Palm Beach, Fla:

Your resolution to give to beggars reminded me of what the Lord brings to me when I see someone in that situation. It’s found in Matthew 25:40: “I assure you, as often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for me.”

I believe like you, we never know when or where we will see the face of God. I’ve been drawn to a resolution this year that is unlike anything I’ve attempted in my 71 years. My resolution is to be at PEACE in the coming year no matter what life’s circumstan­ces may bring me.

It’s God’s enduring peace that I seek to understand through his love and faithfulne­ss and my acceptance for what is, for with acceptance comes peace.

It brings out a gratitude and fosters contentmen­t for every gift the Lord has given to me, in whatever package it has arrived, whether it be filled with joy or sadness.

I will continue to seek

His guidance and His word each day of the new year and hopefully grow to know him better.

MG: Both Matthew and the early rabbis agreed that God is most likely to be seen in those who sleep in the dust.

From L:

I resolve to be kinder to myself. The past five years have been difficult and 2020 was supposed to be a new start as I looked forward to improved living conditions.

But instead I would advise anyone to NOT move during a pandemic, especially during lockdown. All I could pray for at the beginning of March was “Lord, why can’t you let me have a break?!”

I moved — with very little help and less furniture — and then sold my house. It was a long year, especially since March seemed to have about 539 days in it. And now I just want to move forward, to look after myself, enjoy my hobbies and my family and exercise more.

MG: Dear L, In the year ahead if you ever find yourself being too hard on yourself, just write to me and I promise to be kind to you. Happy New Year!

From V:

My resolution is to know my boundaries better. My lovely daughter suggested it and I took that as a sign. We decided to use the code word “colors” when in company. She then can remind me to know my colors. Funny, isn’t she?

Good wishes on your resolution­s. We look forward to the vaccine! I’ve just started reading this column, but it is so right-on and funny! Happy New Year, Rabbi.

MG: Well, you seem so kind and sensitive that unless you dance naked in the rain, I cannot imagine what boundaries you regularly transgress.

I am not sure your daughter’s solution will work. What’s wrong with a gentle nudge or a stern look or a little kick? However, my dear V, I am just glad you still have edges.

 ?? Dreamstime / Contribute­d photo ?? New Year's celebratio­n
Dreamstime / Contribute­d photo New Year's celebratio­n
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