New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

Stop war crimes


As a human being and Ahmadi Muslim believing in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the Messiah who came to end warfare, my heart breaks seeing the escalating violence in the Holy Land.

I call upon the Israeli government to stop illegally seizing Palestinia­n land and to cease the ongoing human rights abuses and war crimes. Have regard for humanity, we are all the sons and daughters of our fathers Adam, Noah, and Abraham.

I also strongly condemn the violence from Hamas, who do not represent all Palestinia­ns. The Israeli government’s right to defend itself against legitimate threats does not justify targeting Palestinia­n civilians, children, mothers, families and homes.

I call on our elected officials and media to recognize the unequal, unjust and inequitabl­e violence against Palestine and to critically examine America’s role in funding and supporting crimes against humanity abroad.

“And what is the matter with you that you fight not in the cause of God and for the rescue of the weak men, women and children who say, ‘Our Lord, take us out of this town, whose people are oppressors, and make for us some friend from Thyself, and make for us from Thyself some helper.’” Holy Quran 4:76.

The head of my Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Caliph Mirza Masroor Ahmad remarked in his Friday’s Eid Sermon: “The U.S. State Department has thus far failed to condemn the killings of nine innocent children on Monday by Israeli airstrikes. Since then, many more innocent Palestinia­ns have been killed . ... This Eid has brought mountains of grief, rather than joy for the Palestinia­ns...If the Palestinia­ns are using sticks they are being subjected to heavy missiles and sophistica­ted weaponry ... May Allah better their situation and create the means for their freedom and may they continue to hold on to their rightful places and land.”

Zahir Muhammad Mannan


The writer is chaplain of the Connecticu­t State Police and Meriden Police Department and director of outreach at the Aman Mosque in Meriden.

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