New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

House passes $3.5T Biden budget blueprint after deal with moderates


WASHINGTON — Striking a deal with moderates, House Democratic leaders muscled President Joe Biden’s multitrill­ion-dollar budget blueprint over a key hurdle Tuesday, ending a risky standoff and putting the party’s domestic infrastruc­ture agenda back on track.

The 220-212 vote was a first step toward drafting Biden’s $3.5 trillion rebuilding plan this fall, and the narrow outcome, in the face of stiff Republican opposition, showed the power a few voices have to alter the debate and signaled the challenges ahead still threatenin­g to upend the president’s agenda.

After a turbulent 24 hours that brought House proceeding­s to a standstill, Speaker Nancy Pelosi told her colleagues before the vote that the legislatio­n represents a federal investment on par with the New Deal and the

Great Society.

Tensions had flared as a band of moderate lawmakers threatened to withhold their votes for the $3.5 trillion plan. They were demanding the House first approve a nearly $1 trillion bipartisan package of other public works projects that’s already passed the Senate.

In brokering the compromise, Pelosi committed to voting on the bipartisan package no later than Sept. 27, an attempt to assure lawmakers it won’t be left on the sidelines. It’s also in keeping with Pelosi’s insistence that the two bills move together as a more complete collection of Biden’s priorities. Pelosi has set a goal of passing both by Oct. 1.

Easing off the stalemate will shelve, for now, the stark divisions between moderate and progressiv­e lawmakers who make up the Democrats’ so-slim House majority. But as the drama spilled out during what was supposed to be a quick session as lawmakers returned to work for a few days in August, it showcased the party difference­s that threaten to upend Biden’s ambitious rebuilding agenda.

With Republican­s fully opposed to the president’s big plans, the Democratic leaders have just a few votes to spare. That gives any band of lawmakers leverage that can be used to make or break a deal, as they are in position to do in the weeks to come as moderates and progressiv­es draft and vote on the broader $3.5 trillion package.

“I think it’s important to those of us who are moderate Democrats to make sure that our voices are heard,” said Rep. Jim Costa, D-Calif., one of the negotiator­s.

Challengin­g their party’s leaders, nine moderate Democrats signed onto a letter late last week raising their objections to pushing ahead with Biden’s broader infrastruc­ture proposal without first considerin­g the smaller public works plan that has already passed the Senate.

Their ranks grew as other moderates raised similar concerns.

Progressiv­es were outraged at the moderates, blaming them for potentiall­y jamming Biden’s agenda, which is stocked with hard-fought party goals like child care, paid family leave and Medicare expansion, along with green infrastruc­ture spending.

The budget measure is at the heart of Biden’s “Build Back Better” vision for helping families and combating climate change and is progressiv­es’ top priority, all of it largely financed with tax increases on the rich and big business.

The House committees are already fast at work drafting legislatio­n to fill in the details of the $3.5 trillion package for considerat­ion later this fall.

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