New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

‘Ashamed’ by letter


As a person of the Jewish faith, I am deeply offended by Rabbi Sarah Marion’s opinion piece on Judaism and abortion. Unfortunat­ely, Jewish pro-abortionis­ts frequently twist and bastardize scriptures to fit their liberal agenda, and in doing so, do a great disservice to Judaism and Jewish people.

The biblical example she relates is often used by liberal Jews to justify abortion but it says nothing about the willful killing of a fetus and she twists the passage to say “according to the bible, full personhood begins at viable birth.” I challenge her to show where the bible explicitly says that.

According to Marion, it’s absolutely fine for a mother to kill her baby in her womb so she can work or fulfill her hopes and dreams. How could there ever be a more selfish act than to terminate your child’s life so you could have a better one?

It staggers my imaginatio­n that as a religious leader she would think God approves of butchering the life of a baby in the womb. Life is a gift and a miracle — that is a principle tenet of Judaism and it includes precious babies in the womb — and Jewish people who champion the legal killing of human life make me ashamed to be a Jew.

Natalie Barklow


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