New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

Not the enemy


During the Mother’s Day celebratio­n, I happen to hear Sen. Murphy on the Sunday morning news. I can tell you I am not an active political person. I vote regularly but I tend to stay away from political banter. That being said I was shaken by the senator’s comments, that folks the lean conservati­ve or support the Republican Party are hateful, are the biggest threat to this democracy.

I grew up in a military family. Dad served 20 years including Vietnam. My brother is a doctor and officer serving in the USAF reserves — that’s United States Air Force for the senator — and I have spent the last 33 years supporting our warfighter.

Yet, according to our senator, me and my family are hateful and “the biggest threat to this country.” I was floored and want an explanatio­n. “Senator, do you really, really believe the veterans and civilians who service this country represent the biggest threat to this democracy?”

“Especially when you consider that the borders are open, crime in our cities rising, prices for energy and customer goods are skyrocketi­ng, and our government is pushing us into a war that we have busy bring in?”

Tom Prete Northford

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