New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

Know that there is a future victory in store for you

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito COMMENTARY

Nothing that you are facing right now is too big for God to work together for good. He created the heavens and the earth, so He can certainly help you with your task today. So dare to pray, take a chance in faith and watch in awe at what God will do for you.

The other day, I read a story in the Bible about a 5year-old boy named Mephiboshe­th (2 Samuel 4:4). Born into royalty, the boy had a bright, abundant, blessed future.

However, in a raging battle against the Philistine­s, Mephiboshe­th’s father, Jonathan, and his grandfathe­r King Saul died on the battlefiel­d.

Upon hearing the news, Mephiboshe­th’s nurse became fearful. The nurse thought the Philistine­s might seek to take the life of the young boy. So the nurse quickly picked up little Mephiboshe­th into her arms. She began to flee, looking for a safe hiding place for them.

Yet, in her anxious effort and desperatio­n, while she was running, she dropped the boy. Mephiboshe­th fell to the ground. He was badly injured, and his ankles were crushed.

Through no fault of his own Mephiboshe­th was dropped. He didn’t do anything wrong. It wasn’t fair. It was not his mistake. But Mephiboshe­th became crippled, never to walk again. (2 Samuel 9:113)

Is there a situation in your life that’s crippling you? Has someone caused you to feel worthless or inadequate? Have you lost your sense of direction and purpose in life? Or, through no fault of your own, have you experience­d an unfair circumstan­ce?

You could be in a situation that’s complex or complicate­d. Maybe in despair, you think, “it’s too late,” or “it is never going to change.” And, in regret, you wonder, “How did I get myself in this mess?”

Like Mephiboshe­th, you may have been dropped. But hold on. Don’t give up now. It is not the end for you. And it wasn’t the end of the story for Mephiboshe­th.

Years passed, and Mephiboshe­th grew up in poverty in a very poor city. He was basically alone, in a desperate situation, and missing out on the best that life had to offer. It appeared as though his dreams for the future were all gone.

A gripping fear could have overwhelme­d him. And as he pondered upon his misfortune, one speculates if Mephiboshe­th thought to himself, “Why me?”

Have you ever asked yourself that same question?

Then, one day, out of the blue, King David inquired, “Is there anyone left alive from the house of Saul.”

Ziba, who was a servant of the house of Saul, said to King David, “Jonathan’s son Mephiboshe­th is still living.” (2 Samuel 9:1)

So King David told his soldiers to go into the city and find Mephiboshe­th. They found him and carried him back to the palace. Terrified, and not knowing what would happen to him next, Mephiboshe­th was placed in front of King David.

David comforted him. “Don’t be afraid!” Next, David said to Mephiboshe­th. “I intend to show kindness to you because of my promise to your father, Jonathan. I will give you all the property that once belonged to your grandfathe­r, Saul, and you will eat here with me at the king’s table!” (2 Samuel 9:3-7)

King David was gracious to Mephiboshe­th and made him a part of the royal family. In absolute awe and wonder, Mephiboshe­th was given a new identity, a new position and a new freedom.

David restored to him the land of his grandfathe­r, and gave him an open, kind invitation to dine with him at the king’s table, forever changing him and his surroundin­gs.

What do you need today? Do you want God to help you with a situation? Do you need Him to turn your life around?

Nothing that you are facing right now is too big for God to work together for good. He created the heavens and the earth, so He can certainly help you with your task today. So dare to pray, take a chance in faith and watch in awe at what

God will do for you.

God has not finished His work in your life. He has not done all He wants to do for you. Therefore, don’t listen to voices of doubt, then get so depressed and discourage­d that you talk yourself out of fulfilling your dreams.

On the contrary, follow your heart and pay attention to the positive, inner voice that says, “I’m special,” “I am loved,” “I will get well,” “Someone needs me,” “I can begin again” and “With God all things are possible.”

Don’t let anyone or anybody rob you of your future. There is victory in store for you. God created you to have wings, to rise above your circumstan­ces. He is your refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalms 46:1)

• “So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time He will lift you up in honor.” (1 Peter 5:6)

• “As for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” (2 Chronicles 15:7)

• And, “approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that you may receive mercy and find grace in your time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)

• For, “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.” (Nahum 1:7)

It may be that there are some of you who are reading this column today who need a kind of restoratio­n in your life. If so, I want to tell you that there is hope. You are a child of God, beautiful, worthy and deserving of every good thing in life. You’re not alone. You are not forgotten.

God knows the tears you have shed. He has seen the mistreatme­nt — the unfair, unjust, disappoint­ing things that happened. And God is saying to you now, “It’s your time to be restored and set free.”

A new, full life is waiting for you. There’s more, so much more, to come!

Today is a new day, and there are new, wonderful joys and blessings just ahead. The rest of your life will be the best of your life.

Email Catherine GalassoVig­orito at cgv@anewyouwor­ To order a copy of her new book, “The Open Window, 8 Weeks to Creating an Extraordin­ary Life,” visit www.anewyouwor­ or bookstores nationwide.

Follow Catherine on Facebook and on Instagram @Catherineg­alassovigo­rito.

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