New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

Setbacks on road to something far better in life

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito Email Catherine GalassoVig­orito at cgv@anewyouwor­ To order a copy of her new book, “The Open Window, 8 Weeks to Creating an Extraordin­ary Life,” visit www.anewyouwor­ or bookstores nationwide.

You’ve sacrificed, waited, persevered and prayed, and now God’s unseen hand is going to move you along a brand-new, wonderful path.

You stumbled and fell. Yet you picked yourself up and persevered.

Someone didn't want you. Cast to the side, you were counted out. But you kept hope alive, believing for a better future.

There seemed to be no way out of your adverse situation. Still, you had faith that God could intercede and make a way for you to reach your full potential.

Perhaps, people made fun of and laughed at you. But no one is laughing now.

You are on the threshold of seeing your dreams come true. Now is the moment. The hour is at hand. It's your time to claim an extraordin­ary life.

God has a plan for you and He is fulfilling that plan right now. He is going to take you further than you ever thought possible.

God will make up for all the tears that were shed and the years that were lost. For He is whispering in your ear: “For I know the plans I have for you … plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” — Jeremiah 29:11.

God is going to advance you, bless you and give you the desires of your heart.

Yet sometimes we can miss the opportunit­y of a lifetime because we quit just an instant too soon. Maybe the pace is going slow and our aspiration­s are taking longer than we expected to transpire.

Otherwise, we're still holding on to the disappoint­ments of the past. Or we are allowing a person with their own motives to impede our success.

And although we've invested a lot of time and energy trying to realize a dream, we decide to “settle,” letting fears or selfdepriv­ation cause us to turn back, not realizing how close we were to great success when we gave up.

Years ago, when I worked in radio advertisin­g, it was a commission­only position. However, for the first year, the company started employees out with a small weekly salary.

After six months, the salary was cut in half. After the first anniversar­y of my employment, my small salary was completely taken away and thereafter I was only to be paid commission on what I sold.

At that time, I recall being a bit apprehensi­ve and uncertain about the future. “How will I pay my rent?” “Should I find another position?” I questioned myself.

Looking back, I could have easily left my job, letting my mind wonder on all the reasons why I should yield. But I loved the radio business and my clients, so with a strong work ethic, I forged ahead.

In the 12 years that followed, everything worked out even better than I anticipate­d, as I enjoyed a rewarding career with the company.

I've heard it said that “the most difficult time is right before the victory.”

Don't allow negative thoughts to prey on you, trying to throw you off your game. I have found that when the enemy sees the opportunit­y to do so, he likes to sow seeds of discord.

The key, I believe, lies in rememberin­g the last lines to one of my favorite poems, “Don't Quit.”

“And you never can tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems so far. So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit. It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.”

Yes, obstacles will test your resolve. Some people might try to rain on your parade. And the way ahead may be challengin­g.

But take it one step further. Stay in the race. Continue being industriou­s, believing that you will ultimately prevail.

In the Bible, I read where Peter told how a goldsmith would place the metal into the furnace just long enough to remove any impurities.

The goldsmith then would pour out the liquid gold and create an exquisite piece of value and beauty.

Similarly, we may not be sheltered from our difficulti­es, because we need them for our spiritual growth and they prepare us for future glory.

I like Romans 5:3-5, which says, “We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us.

“All of this happens because God has given us the Holy Spirit, who fills our hearts with His love.”

Difficulti­es mold us, strengthen our character and shape us for the blessings to come. And, as the goldsmith is near to his ore, God is close to us, His loving eyes upon us, and His strong hands guiding us.

A few weeks ago, my family went to New York City to see the Broadway musical “Chicago.” The next day, we walked around the city and window shopped.

There, the girls marveled at the sky-high buildings, the nonstop bustling traffic and the smell of hot dogs being cooked on almost every corner.

As we walked on the street near New York's Central Park, we saw horse-drawn carriages. I said, “Look, girls, look at the horses!” Walking closer to them, my youngest daughter asked, “Why do the horses have shields on the sides of their eyes?”

I explained that the leather shields allow the horses to only see straight ahead. Therefore, when they walk on the street amid the heavy traffic, the eye shields help the horses to stay focused and not be distracted.

Likewise, as you approach this important time in your life, you must not lose your laser-sharp focus. Free your mind from trivial annoyances. Release doubts and fears.

And do not be consumed with past hurts, which can hold you back from your destiny.

I like the advice of the famed Canadian physician Sir William Osler, who suggested, “Draw a circle around one 24-hour period of time and don't bother your mind with worries about what you need to accomplish outside of that.”

You've sacrificed, waited, persevered and prayed, and now God's unseen hand is going to move you along a brandnew, wonderful path. Your dreams are right within your grasp. So, step over into your glorious new future.

An extraordin­ary life is yours.

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