New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

Why did God rest on the seventh day of creation?

- Marc Gellman Send questions and comments to The God Squad at godsquadqu­ Rabbi Gellman is the author of several books, including “Religion for Dummies,” co-written with the Rev. Tom Hartman. Also, the new God Squad podcast is now available

In a column about religion, I should be spending more time teaching about what religions believe. I will try to fix that this year.

Q: What, precisely, did God do on the seventh day? I like to rest, too, but staring at an empty computer screen all day gets old, at least for me. I am curious. Thank you. – From J in Cary, N.C.

A: God does not need to rest, but God did rest. Why?

This is one of the first great questions raised by the creation account in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis. Why would an all-powerful God need to rest on the seventh day or, for that matter, on any day?

How is the world sustained and protected from chaos on the day of God's resting? Is one day on Earth to us the same and one day of rest for God?

Rest is the first spiritual conundrum and mystery and blessing of the Bible, and through Judaism, Christiani­ty, and Islam it has become a part of Western civilizati­on.

Perhaps God wanted to teach us that working must be balanced by resting in our lives. Resting gives us time to solidify family bonds of love and time to express our gratitude to God for our blessings in prayer on the day of rest.

The right to rest is grounded in another belief clearly taught in the creation account of Genesis and that is the belief that all people are made in the image of God.

The belief in imago Dei is arguably the great spiritual revolution of the biblical religions. Other ancient religions all taught that people were created to serve the gods.

The Bible alone taught that a part of what makes God holy is also in us.

It took two millennia and contact with Greek philosophy for Judaism and later Christiani­ty and Islam to refine our spiritual identity into body and soul, but from the first chapter of the Bible the idea that we are holy like God was a foundation of faith.

So, if we are made in the image of God, but we obviously are not God, our only viable spiritual option is to imitate God to the extent that we are able.

If God rests, then we should imitate God by resting on the Sabbath day. Resting is a gift from God that reminds us we are made to reflect and represent God here on planet Earth.

Resting is forbidden to slaves, who must work constantly, but is the prerogativ­e of all free people made in the image of God.

Implicit in the Sabbath day is a critique of slavery in all its forms. Resting on the Sabbath day is thus an assertion of freedom in a world that often crushes freedom for so many. The freedom of Sabbath rest is a foretaste of the soul's freedom in Heaven.

Resting on the Sabbath day was the first great spiritual revolution of the Bible. Through resting, the Bible establishe­s a sacred order of time that intersects with our secular profane world once every seven days.

Once that sacred order of time is establishe­d, it can then be introduced to sanctify the holidays, which transform the cycle of the seasons into a celebratio­n of God's blessings to us in nature and in history.

An interestin­g element of God resting is that the Sabbath day has no marking signs in nature. A day is natural. It is naturally defined by day and night over roughly 24 hours.

A month is also a natural unit of time defined by the cycles of the moon over roughly 28 days, and a year is natural as the cycle of the seasons over 12 months.

However, a week has no marking point whatsoever in nature. There is absolutely nothing that demarcates seven days as one week. That is why I believe that the Bible chose the

If God rests, then we should imitate God by resting on the Sabbath day. Resting is a gift from God that reminds us we are made to reflect and represent God here on planet Earth.

seventh day as the Sabbath.

It is a statement that God is not defined by nature anymore than a potter is defined by a pot he or she has made. This makes nature worship impossible in all three biblical faiths. God is the creator of nature and nature's cycles of time.

Overlaid over natural time is sacred time, and it begins with the Sabbath day. It continues with sacred holidays, most of which sacralize not just the seasons but also events in sacred history.

Passover is a sanctifica­tion of both springtime and the exodus from Egypt. Easter is a sanctifica­tion of springtime and the death and resurrecti­on of Jesus for Christians.

To emphasize God's independen­ce from nature, Islam does not limit its sacred month of Ramadan to the same season every year.

I would love to hear ways that you and your family sanctify the Sabbath day and make God's time real in our broken world.

 ?? Dreamstime/(c) Pontuse | ?? Remember the Sabbath day.
Dreamstime/(c) Pontuse | Remember the Sabbath day.
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