New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

Co-worker becomes outlet for others’ trauma

- DEAR ABBY Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: It seems I am a human landfill into which people dump their trauma. I’m not sure how this happened. It started three years ago, when an estranged friend called me and talked for more than an hour about what had led to him getting fired from his job. I was touched that he had reached out, and I expected us to resume our friendship, but he wasn’t interested.

Later, a work acquaintan­ce invited me to lunch and began unloading the awful trauma she had endured 40 years ago. It was a one-way conversati­on, with not even enough pause for me to reaffirm what was being said.

Now, a new co-worker I haven’t made any personal connection with calls me a few times a week to “trauma dump.” I try to change the subject, but her stories of abuse and peril never stop. In fact, I can put her on speaker phone while I loudly go about my business at home, and she’ll continue talking.

What can I do to ensure I am no longer seen as the trauma landfill?

Done With It In Pennsylvan­ia

Dear Done: This keeps happening because you are a caring, empathetic and polite person who has the patience to allow these people to dump on you. The next time it starts to happen, say this: “This must have been terrible, but I am NOT EQUIPPED to advise you about it. This is something that should be addressed by talking to a therapist.” After that, be less available.

Dear Abby: Last year, a dear friend was attacked by dogs and killed. My family enjoys hiking on public trails. Lately, however, our walks have not been enjoyable. I become nervous whenever I encounter dogs off-leash. I usually end up asking the owner to put their dogs on a leash.

My 16-year-old daughter is not comfortabl­e when I do this. Her view is that the owners have trained their dogs well enough to be off leash. I disagree. I tell her that animals are unpredicta­ble, and I am speaking out because my friend was killed by dogs. Please help us understand the best way to handle this


Walking Scared

In Wisconsin

Dear Walking: Your daughter’s view is naive. Although the majority of dog owners are responsibl­e and socialize and train their pets, not all of them do so, and the result can be tragic. Your friend’s death is an example.

When your daughter decides to hike, she should always have someone with her, and carry pepper spray or gel. As for you, you might be better off if, for the time being, you get your cardio exercise on a treadmill or at home.

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