New Haven Register (Sunday) (New Haven, CT)

Getting physical

DOC, union disagree on use-of-force trends among guards, inmates

- By Bill Cummings

Correction officers’ use of force against inmates increased over the last 10 years even as Connecticu­t’s prison population declined, state statistics show.

But the two sides that run the state’s prisons — correction­s officers and officials at the Department of Correction — disagree over the scope of the problem, whether use of force is rising or falling and what, if anything, should be done.

Correction­s officers say the need to use force has risen because of prison reforms initiated by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s administra­tion, such as an often-celebrated early-release program and less use of isolation cells to punish misbehavio­r.

“We are dealing with maximum security prisons and a lot of the crimes are violent,” said

Rudy Demiraj, president of ASFCME Local 387, which represents prison guards. “The idea of turning prison into some kind of summer camp is not proving to be positive.”

DOC officials say the prison reforms are working and use of force is actually decreasing.

“The 10-year comparison numbers are not accurate,” said Semple, who pointed to what he said were more reliable numbers using a sample from the last five years showing a decrease in use of force.

But DOC’s numbers show an overall 15 percent rise in use of force over the 10-year period, with a 12 percent decrease coming during the recent five-year period.

The only constant is a steady drop in the inmate population since 2007, amounting to a nearly 30 percent decrease and 5,500 fewer prisoners.

State Rep. Steven Stafstrom, D-Bridgeport, a vice chairman of the legislatur­e’s judiciary committee, said prison reforms and operations need to be constantly assessed.

“Criminal justice is an imperfect science, requiring the ongoing analysis of how well the policy decisions we make are working,” Stafstrom said.

The differing assessment­s of how the prisons are operating is playing out against the backdrop of a recent death at Garner Correction­al Institutio­n in Newtown. Jallen Jones, a 31-year-old inmate from Georgia suffering from mental health issues, died in March while being restrained by officers at the prison.

The state medical examiner ruled Jones’ death a homicide, and prison officials have said the use of force was not excessive.

State police are investigat­ing the incident and the officers involved, who have not been identified, remain on the job, Semple said.

“I’ve viewed the video,” Semple said. “If I felt the use of force was inappropri­ate, (the officers involved) would not be working now.”

By the numbers

The numbers — all produced by DOC — paint a confusing picture.

For example, the data shows that the number of times officers used force against inmates rose 15 percent between 2007 and 2017 — from 1,040 incidents to 1,224.

That rise occurred while the number of inmates dramatical­ly decreased.

But when a five-year look-back is applied — from 2013 to 2017 — use of force by officers decreased by nearly 12 percent, from 1,384 incidents to 1,224.

The statistics also show use of chemical agents — namely pepper spray — against inmates rose from 265 incidents in 2007 to 496 in 2017 — a 46 percent increase.

When the five year period favored by Semple is analyzed — between 2013 and 2017 — use of pepper spray rose by 18 percent.

Between 2007 and 2017, assaults on officers dropped from 266 incidents in 2007 to 153 incidents in 2017, a 42 percent decrease.

Faulty reporting

Semple said there is a problem with the use-offorce numbers collected by the DOC in the early years of the last decade, which he said skews the overall trend. And he noted that those errors make if difficult to assess how the department is performing.

He said reports from some prisons, such as Bridgeport Correction­al Institutio­n, a 730-inmate facility where many prisoners are fresh off the street, show little use of force in certain years — an outcome Semple said is not realistic.

Later reports, from between 2013 and 2017, more accurately reflect the use of force at each prison, he said.

“The five-year trend is accurate,” Semple said. “I’m questionin­g these (other) numbers.”

Use of force is generally defined by DOC as any physical contact with an inmate to compel compliance with instructio­ns or orders, including restraint techniques.

Chemical weapons are generally defined as deployment of aerosol dispensers, such as pepper spray.

“We are in the process of restructur­ing our data related to incidents to enhance our abilities to assess trends and patterns,” said Karen Martucci, a DOC spokeswoma­n.

Staffing reduction

A Hearst Connecticu­t Media review of staffing data obtained through a Freedom of Informatio­n request shows the number of officers assigned to prisons has steadily dropped since 2010 as the inmate population decreased.

For example, the numbers show 21 fewer guards at Garner this year compared to 2010; 20 fewer at Bridgeport Correction­al; 36 fewer at the New Haven Correction­al Center and down 39 at Osborn Correction­al Institutio­n in Somers.

The inmate population at those prisons also decreased: 88 fewer inmates at Garner; 193 fewer at Bridgeport; 39 fewer at New Haven; and 664 fewer inmates at Osborn.

Between 2010 and 2018,

the number of officers working at the state’s prisons dropped by 16 percent — or by 619 less officers — while the inmate population decreased by nearly 27 percent.

Demiraj, the union official, said staff reductions are a “concern,” along with an overall change in DOC’s inmate management methods.

“We are seeing a much softer approach, a more lenient approach,” Demiraj said. “At Manson (Youth Institutio­n) last week an officer was assaulted before he could take his radio out.”

Reforms cited as contributi­ng factors include the state’s early release program, reduced use of administra­tive segregatio­n or solitary confinemen­t, allowing prisoners more out-of-cell time and eliminatin­g security posts within some prisons.

Stafstrom said he believes the reforms have been successful, but added lawmakers should be willing to look at adjustment­s.

“While the data is pretty clear that the reforms we have made have reduced recidivism, improved public safety and saved taxpayer dollars, we must be attentive to statistics such as these and make appropriat­e policy tweaks as necessary,” Stafstrom said.

Broken system

Demiraj said that while some of DOC’s numbers may be inaccurate, the overall trend of an increasing need to use force is accurate.

He pointed to prison reforms as a main reason.

“There is a big push to allow inmates to be reintegrat­ed into the community,” Demiraj said. “That has left a population that is more problemati­c.”

State Sen. Len Suzio, R-Meriden and an opponent of the state’s early release program, said he’s not surprised that the need to use fore is rising.

“I’ve had a lot of conversati­ons about (DOC) and the system is broken; it’s not working,” Suzio said. “I’ve talked to officers in and out of the system and they all say the criminals are gaming the system.

“It’s ironic,” Suzio added. “The early release program was to control inmates so you can take away the incentive if they misbehave. It’s to protect the safety of guards.”

Steve Carbone, a service representa­tive for AFSCME Council 4, said much has changed under the Malloy administra­tion.

“We have more inmates with mental health issues,” Carbone said, adding that often translates into a need to use force.

“Inmates used to do a job, but many jobs have been eliminated due to automation,” Carbone added, noting productive jobs keep inmates busy and offer an important incentive to behave.

“Now it’s leaning on a broom or a mop rather than proactive jobs,” Carbone said.

Less isolation

Jamelia Morgan, a University of Connecticu­t law school professor who has sued states over excessive force, said prison reform can lead to increased use of force by officers.

“Typically, (inmates) have behavior problems, so use of force could be being used to stop self-harm, suicide and for other reasons,” Morgan said. “It does tend to be a population with psychiatri­c disabiliti­es.”

Morgan said leaner staff and limiting restricted housing can also impact the amount of force used by officers.

“This (trend) suggests a failure to manage this special population; that the way they deal with mental illness is through force,” Morgan said.

Demiraj said the ability to isolate and manage inmates has been “dramatical­ly” reduced.

“When you take away a deterrent, you take away the incentive to behave,” Demiraj said. “The agency raised the bar on what would cause placement into segregatio­n. They raised the bar and lowered the standards. It takes more to get in the system.”

The early release program, Demiraj added, has left the worse inmates behind bars and new requiremen­ts for more time out of cells allows for additional mingling that can lead to misbehavio­r.

Semple said the reforms have not changed the department’s need to use force.

“Research has shown that use of isolation can make people prone to mental illness,” Semple said. “There is no predictor that the new way to manage has increased assaults on staff.”

Demiraj disagreed with the commission­er’s assessment.

“A lot of their initiative­s have unintended consequenc­es,” Demiraj said.

 ?? Christian Abraham / Hearst Connecticu­t Media file photo ?? Department of Correction Commission­er Scott Semple at the Henry Lee Institute of Forensic Science on the campus on the University of New Haven in March.
Christian Abraham / Hearst Connecticu­t Media file photo Department of Correction Commission­er Scott Semple at the Henry Lee Institute of Forensic Science on the campus on the University of New Haven in March.
 ?? Arnold Gold / Hearst Cponnectic­ut Media file photo ?? The entrance to the New Haven Correction­al Center in New Haven.
Arnold Gold / Hearst Cponnectic­ut Media file photo The entrance to the New Haven Correction­al Center in New Haven.

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