New Haven Register (Sunday) (New Haven, CT)

Trump: Canada ‘will be out’ of trade deal unless it’s ‘fair’


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump warned Canada on Saturday that it “will be out” of a revised North American trade agreement unless it’s “fair” to the United States, and he threatened to scrap the current deal should Congress “interfere” with the negotiatio­ns.

“There is no political necessity to keep Canada in the new NAFTA deal,” Trump said in one of a series of tweets as he visited his Virginia golf club while three former presidents and a range of political dignitarie­s attended a Washington memorial for John McCain. Trump wasn’t invited.

But it’s not clear whether the Trump administra­tion has the authority to strike a deal with just Mexico, as it announced Monday, and exclude Canada. Also, Congress must approve any rewrite of the North American Free Trade Agreement , signed under President Bill Clinton, and might refuse to endorse a deal that leaves longtime ally Canada on the sidelines.

Talks to keep Canada in the trade bloc are to resume this coming week as Washington and Ottawa try to break a deadlock over issues such as Canada’s dairy market and U.S. efforts to shield drug companies from generic competitio­n.

“As we’ve said all week, we’re working toward a modernized NAFTA that is good for the middle class and people working hard to join it,” said Adam Austen, a spokesman for Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland. “With good will and flexibilit­y on all sides, a win-win-win outcome is achievable. Canada, of course, will only sign a deal which is good for Canada.”

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